Show UTAH STATE NEWS the millers of the state have combined to further ra se the price of flour the officials of provo have decided not to permit sunday baseball playing the schools of salt lake have inaus a crusade against the use of cigarettes fruit and crop prospects in davis county were never better at this time of the year A case of smallpox has developed at american fork being the first case at that place for over a year gold ore of the value of 81 aso to the ton has been discovered in the busan mine in park valley district during the past week 05 shares of stock were sold on the salt lake stock exchange for 60 the attorney general will investigate the meat trust in this state and will prosecute it he finds any trusts existing in utah provo has a juvenile band of which it is very proud the members are youngsters of from 8 to 19 years of age the leader being 15 bevel al flocks of sheep owned by residents of salt lake county have changed ownership recently at prices ranging from 3 75 to 4 per head congressman sutherland has recommended the appo of samuel mcafee as postmaster at white bocks and mrs carrie jones at marysvale Marys vale the provo stores will close at 7 clock in the evening except saturday and days preceding holidays all the merchants having s ened the agree ment to do so clyde felt the salt lake boy charged with the murder of samuel collins and who confessed that he cut collins throat at the latter s request has been released from jail on 4 bond the base ball fever has struck pleas ant grove clubs composed of single and married men as opponents pulling off an interesting contest last week in which the married men came out losers M M warner of provo has let a contract for completing the toll road between cisco and moab the road is now being traveled and ane ferry over grand river is being successfully operated the attorneys for nick IIa worth have not given up all hopes of saving their client from legal execution they are depending upon a mass of new evidence which is to be presented upon motion for a new trial word comes from marcial N M that thamine a former well known resident of mt pleasant was accidentally sl ot death resulting few hours later no particulars of the ace dent were received mrs nellie N has been ap pointed postmaster of park city mrs was born and raised in summit county and since the death of her bus band seven years ago has supported herself and three daughters there are a number of smallpox cases in the graders camp about twelve miles from mercur all the men who are afflicted and those wl have been exposed are isolated and are being closely guarded by armed patrols the salt lake elks have inaugurated a campaign for finds for the big convention to be held in the capital city in august it is estimated that 5 will be red to carry out the plans outlined by the executive committee william colton of san francisco was seriously injured in salt lake last week while attempting to stop a run away horse he was knocked down and trampled on by the frightened beast the horse stepping on his head mrs nora larsen the young wife of john larsen of bluff san juan county was burned to death in a fire that consumed her home at an early hour wednesday of last week mr larsen was away from home and the young wife was there alone farmers of sanpete county are going on with their crop planting and are not at all alarmed about the threatened grass hopper invasion the general opinion is that the late heavy and cold storms have given the insects a set back from which they cannot recover esther williams of R has filed suit against thomas J williams for divorce alleging that has since their marriage compelled her to occupy a cheep wagon for a residence and not furnishing her with other usual corn forts when she protested he corn polled her to leave and go home mrs mary clark an aged resident of Co alville was fatally burned last week there was no one in the house at the time the ace dent occurred but it Is supposed her dress caught fire from the stove near which she was bitting vernal wants a financial institution in its midst and the express says of the need A banking institution would be of inestimable value to vernal and uintah county there is not another county in tl estate with the populate on and advantages of uintah anty that is without a bank the smallpox on at vernal is gradually improving despite the fact that several new cases have been re ported the number of cases is less than ten days ago and ibe city and county author ties are working bar the recent cases have all been very mild christopher iverson of murray on monday of last week at west jordan by shooting himself in the head had lived in murray for over twenty deais of late he had not been well and for several months a doctor had been treating him for ner prostration |