Show CASTLE VALLEY ROAD OCCUPIES A PROMINENT IN LAYOUT manager J M heibert of the rio carande 1 ne spent thursday in salt lake in an in ervien he spited thai construct io i on the castle villey road would be under nead va in a verv short time the bids for the first sees on 0 miles up salina canyon will be awarded within very few days he said ind construction will commence when ed whether the line woul 1 be pushed right through to green at an early dito he sud that that matter hid i ot been finally decided upon aalthe enin t ad not their final loci t on just when this would be dona he was not prepared to state at present ho said it was the purpose of the corn piny to baill buill the line to the ne v coil feld there MAY HURRY THE LOCAL again we are positively assured b david moffatt the denver multi millionaire that tho denver northwest ern jacif railroad will certainly ceita be built and thit has been scribed for that purpose bet veen dep ver ind salt blakej the ne v line 1 be miles shorter than the union pacific miles shorter than the midland and miles shorter than the rio grande the total length of line will be miles the maximum grido la to be 22 per cent or feet to the mile and trus only in the comparatively short ascent to the tunnel in the continental divide the estimated running time of the mot fatt road 13 to be 40 miles an hour so that ita train kiy cover the distance be salt lake city and donvel in hours rom denver the line will go west b as straight a line as possible it is al ready built as tar as arvada the coal field of coal creek will be the next ob e live point ind grading to this point is already in progress the next point on the in e will bo kopperdale copperdale Coppe station thence the 1 will run through the northern part of gilpin cotney by way of rollinsville Rol linsville pass the line will pass out of G apin county through tunnel efto north or eliae peak this tunnel will be feet or a trifle more than two miles long and an alti tude of feet it is estimated that years will be required to complete the tunnel therefore arrangements have been made to build a switchback as a temporary line over the peak to be used until the tunnel is finished in grand county the line will pass through hot sulphur springs thelca will pro eed over the range and do the beir river villey no steamboat springs in routt county thence the line will run through ustah and wasatch counties utah crossing extensive beds of gilsonite and most extensive deposits of hydro carbon in the world and through a rich agricultural section affre bridging the river the line will follow the duchesne and strawberry creek and cross the wasatch mountains some dis tanra north of soldier submit sunmit and thence ir to salt lake valley it is further announced that moffatt and dark have combined and that the latter s road will be the western outlet to the coast for the new moffatt road and that the rock island road will fur nish the outlet east from denver all this is very interesting to the people of bistle valley tor it insures it the dispatch states the whole truth the dimmed ate construction of the u valley railroad mr gould and his associates are about the swiftest push in the whole ra broad business and with his rio grando missouri pacific and other eastern connections connect ious he is pro pared to meet any railroad scheme that put up against him ahe disadvantage ol 01 salt ake city 8 location is again shown by the proposed line having to enter irom the southeast entering salt lake valley by some means not yet apparent with the castle atlle salina cut off in operation mr gould will have a big ich intaro on all through traffic from direct to the pacific coast we still bank on the castle valley cut off the most leas ble short line route yet projected on the railroad checker board of the west |