Show commerce of cuba the war department has published an extract showing the commerce 0 the island of cuba for the seven months ended january 31 and 1901 ahe total value of merchandise imported during the seven months ended jan uary 31 was 40 against for the corresponding period of 1901 and the exports of merchandise was 4 against 6 for 1901 these figures sl ow an increase of 5 per cent in the imports and a decreased of 11 per cent in the exports the value of merchandise coming from the united states for the seven months ended january 31 was a slight increase over the corresponding period of 1901 while the exports for 1901 amounted to a decrease of the report of the commiss oner of labor on strikes shows that in twenty years there have been in michigan of which were ordered by organizations there were 1 establish ments affected by these strikes loss to employers 81 86 to employees 83 79 the advance of 10 per cent which was gran led to the 27 employees 0 fall river abass cotton mills early last month ha become general in southern new england it is estl mated that fully 60 1 ands in that section have had their wages increased mrs cornelius vanderbilt widow ot cornelius vanderbilt ander bilt is reported to have appi ed to the librarian for the reg and coper ahting of ner name the words copyright 1900 will have to appear on her visit ing cards mrs emma forsythe whose father was an american and whose mother was the daughter of chief is the richest woman in the south pacific islands fhe lives on the island of meu pommern wl ere sl e has a plan tation of la 10 acre |