Show I 1 CARS SMASHED TO KINDLING RAILROAD WRECK IN WHICH FOUR ARE KILLED AND TWENTY THREE INJURED while banning at the bate of sixty five mile an hour the balla spread and the train went in to the ditch the california lim led train on the atchison topeka santa fe road eastbound was derailed on a curve at cama a switch five west of me dilla mo while go ng at a high rate of speed pour persons were killed and twenty three injured the dining car turned completely over and rolled over a ten foot embank ment and two sleepers were thrown clear of the right of way the train was over an hour late and passed faconda the last station west at the rate of sixty five miles an hour aheu the heavy train struck the curve at cama the rails spread the train cons sted of two mail cars seven pullmans and one dining car the mail cars the dining car and the first two sleepers went into tl e d the tender was ditched but the en gine remained on the track the derailed coaches were smashed to kindling wood even the axles being bent out of shape |