Show OF KIDNEYS EVERY TIME mars of the first wise on bin cavalry regiment writes from 1425 dunning street chicago the fol lowing letter for years suffered with catarrh of the kidneys contracted in the army medicine did not help me any until a comrade who had been helped by pei pe i advised me to try it I 1 bought some at once ard soon found blessed relief I 1 kept taking it four months and am now well and strong and feel better than I 1 have done for the past twenty years thanks to peruna mars mr john vance of II artford city ind says my kidney trouble is much better I 1 helve improved so much that everybody wants to know what inadi cine I 1 am using I 1 recommend peruna to everybody and some have commenced to use it the folks all say that if dr medicine cures me it must be great john anee mr J brake of Petr olea ontario canada writes four years ago I 1 had a severe attack of bright s disease chuh brought me so low the doctor said nothing more could be done tor me 1 began to take peruna and manalan Man alln and in three months I 1 was a well man and have continued so ever since J brake at the app earan symptom of kidney trouble peruna should be taken this remedy strikes at once the very root of the disease it at once re tarreal kid of the stagnant blood pre v e n ting the escape of serum from the blood peruna stimulates the kidneys te excrete from the blood the lating po son and thus prevents the convulse ons which are sure to follow if the poisons are allowed to remain it gives great vigor to the heart s action and d cestive system both of which are apt to fail rapidly in this disease peruna cures catarrh of the k ineys simply because it cures catarrh where ever located if you do not derive prompt and sat is factory results from the use of pe runa write at once to dr II artman giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable adv ce prat s address dr hartman president of the II artman sanitarium columbus 0 suddenly it injures the nervous system to do so use BACO CURO and it w 11 tell you when to stop as it takeo away the des re for tobacco you have no r to ruin your health I 1 your d get on and po son your breath by us ng the f athy weed A guarantee in each box price 1 00 per box or three boxes for 2 50 w th guarantee to cure of money refunded at all good drugg ats or d from us ante for free booklet EUREKA CO la crosso wis 4 4 A durable wall coating NOT A forms a pure and permanent coat ing and does not require to be taken off to renew from time to tune Is a dry powder ready for use by mixing with cold water TO THOSE BUILDING we are experts in the treatment of walls write and see how helpful we can be at no cost to you in get tase your nasty decaying kaho binef no sirl is what I 1 ting beautiful and healthful homes aad for and what I 1 want X ALA BASTINE COMPANY grand rapids mien 9 PILLS chocolate coated 60 doses are a new tasteless odourless odo urless economical substitute for the celebrated liquid as well as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures each pill is equivalent to one teaspoonful of liquid put up in screw cap pocket vials containing 60 doses price PILLS are alterative antiseptic tonic and digestive and beyond question the purest sweetest most successful and economical blood and skin purifiers humour cures and tonic digestives yet compounded complete external and internal treatment for every humour consist ng 0 SOAP to banse the skin of crusts and scales and soften tl e tl cleaned cuticle to in scantly allay itch ng inflammation and irr tation and boot and heal and PILLS nbc to cool and cleanse the blood A SET is often baffic antto cure the most torturing d s figuring ng barni g an 1 scaly ekin scalp and blood humours rabes and ons w th lois of ha from bintai cy to age when else fails e 1 th onh mt th wo tell 2 5 che london depot 5 rue de U PA x I 1 a ie dauo AND cop sole ton S A eyou wort ton nua I 1 Ur fc 1 when red io cure no par ALEX box 0 ma ne W N U salt lake no 18 1902 I 1 i AA t W COURSE 5 waterproof OILED CLOTHING YOU HAVE ALWAYS made in black or yellow of tf e best and sold with our warrant y 33 reliable dealers everywhere A ij CO BOSTON 5 established eP 1656 WESTERN CANADAS wonderful wheat crop for 1901 cow the talk of the commerce al wo a Is by no means 1 enal the brov nee of man toba and u of A s bibo a masikat che van and alberta are the most grain producing coun rf U tr es ts au in 1110 the wo WU id AU in a stock rals ng they also S ho d the h chest post ton 1 nou sands of amer cans are annually mak ing this their home and they sue eed as they never d d before move ard with the tida and secure a farm and home in western canada low rates and spec al p Ivl leges to home seek ers and settlers the hand ome forty page atlas of western canada sent tree to all apall cants apply for rates ao to F pedley au per t of on ottawa canada or to W V bennett canadian government agent lew york lite biag omaha neb HOWARD E BURTON east fourth street I 1 colo spec men price d boc bold A b ver tic go d gold S copper tl 50 mall ing enve kopea bent to any address labo atory cyan ide debts 10 to 26 ibe to 60 go d and S ver I 1 78 lead 60 borts ve anil copper 1 ga PI ON balb samples OGDEN ASSAY CO irow I 1 U washington D 0 they I 1 I 1 will receive qu ck ath N H vola staff corps pros cut cla ms since 1 S 7 S develop the stuat inches n he mp e home hod a so h w to remove wr economy bulks K all tabt fa LS beet cough syrup e good UBO int me so d i mrs mamie herbert 56 elmwood ave buffalo N Y treasurer empire state fortnightly buffalo NY after eight years suffering cured by lydia E pinkham s vegetable compound DEAR MRS PINKHAM inflammation and ulce rahon of the uterus laid me low and robbed life of its joys for me for eight years I 1 was in frequent pain and misery and then lj dia E vegetable compound came to me the greatest boon I 1 have known for it brought new life and health to me I 1 used several bottles of compound and your sanative wash my improvement was slow but from the first bottle I 1 felt that I 1 was better and so I 1 kept up courage and continued the treatment none of my friends ever dreamed that I 1 would be well again but I 1 have now enjoyed life to its fullest extent for three years MRS HERBERT FORFEIT 1 THE ABOVE LETTER IS NOT GENUINE when women are troubled with irregular suppressed or painful menstruation weakness leucorrhoea displacement or ulceration of the womb that bearing down feeling inflammation of the ovaries backache bloating or flatulence general debility indigestion and nervous pros tra tion or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness fastness lassitude excitability irritability nervousness sleeplessness melancholy all gone and want to be left alone feelings blues and hopelessness they should remember there is one tried and true remedy bydia E Vece tible compound at once removes such troubles refuse to buy any other medicine for you need the best mrs pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice she has guided thousands to health address bynn mass reward the readers of this piper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that Is catarrh hall s catarrh cure Is the only positive cure now known to the arned cal fraternity catarrh being a cons titu disease requires a constitutional treat ment hall s catarrh cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces 0 the system thereby destroying the foundation 0 the patient strength by building up the and assisting nature in doing its the pro prie tors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars tor any case that it tails to cure send tor list of testimonials address F J CHENEY CO toledo 0 bold by druggists hall s family pills are the best stops the goough and works off the cold laxative bromo quinine tablets price booti inai syrup for achl dren teeth ne gume reduced la al aye pa a cures wind collo A bottle the well posted druggist advises you to use hamlan s wizard oil or pain for he know what it has done she would not be without st now neither would thousands of others we refer to Vo gilers curative compound it does so much good and seems to reach every form of stomach trouble that people have found that it is the one true and what are stomach troubles the easiest answer is that three quarters of all the d s eases and a imenes which affect us proceed from one form or another of stomach trouble ind is one of the worst and most prevalent forms but elers curative compound cures md here is one instance mr W bowell of 34 enory street win chester col writes I 1 wish to state that my wife has been tak ng s curative compound tor a long time and it is the only thing that has done her any real good for ind in fact nothing would induce her to be without a bottle now when we stop to seriously consider the fact that this great remedy is made from the formula of one of the most emment living london phys ceans it is no wonder that people who have happ ly experienced the benefit to be derived from its use will not now be without it at any cost st jacob s 0 1 ltd baltimore bid will send you a free sample bottle write them |