Show WEEK IN CONGRESS april 24 honsa the house sent the oleomargarine mil to conference after agreeing to the senate amendments with some modifications sug rested by the agricultural committee the opponents of the measure offered a number ot amendments the principal one ot which waa designed to place renovated butter on the same footing with oleomargarine but they were voted down the latter part of the day was devoted to the agricultural appropriation bill SENATE bills were passed as follow to provide tor the purchase 0 a site aud the arec alon ol 01 a p bile building thereon in the city 0 washington to be used tor a hall 0 records and indicating an appropriation of tl for the purpose authorizing an increase of pen slon in cases involving total deafness making the provisions of the act ot congress approved february 28 1891 relating to public lands ap to the state of utah authorizing the appointment of a committee to distribute of the funds of the choctaw and chickasaw nations of indians among indigent members of those nations and forty three private pension bills april HOUSE one hundred and fifty alve private pension bills were passed including bills to pension the widow of the late general william month and the widow of the late parson brownlow of tennessee at 30 a month the remainder of the day was devoted to general debate on the agricultural ampro mr lessler of new cussed the necessity tor a new at new york mr cochran of missouri democrat the trust question and smith ot michi gan republican good roads SENATE mr mccumber of north dakota emoke on the pure food measure mr carmack of tennessee addressed the senate in alon to the philippine government bill mr platt of connecticut chairman of the committee on relations with cuba reported rom that committee a substitute for the resolution offered a few days ago by mr teller the substitute providing tor an investigation by the commit of the holdings 0 cuban sugar and of cuban s gar lands by american citizens the committee to have authority to send tor persons and papers and to sit during iceslona slona of the senate april HOUSE the house after devoting an hour to passage of bills by unanimous consent sus public business and for the remainder of the afternoon listened to tributes to the memories of the late representative of south carolina and the late representative crump of michigan SENATE bannack 0 tennessee corn plated the speech on the philippine go bill which he began friday he continued his exceedingly caustic criticisms of the adminis ration s policy and the ultimate end to which it would lead concluding by expressing the hope that the administration woold turn from the bloody gospel ot the strenuous life to the paths ot peace april 8 copse representative bibley of pennsyl vania created a sensation during the general debate on the agricultural bill denouncing general jacob smith tor the orders he Is sued in the samar campaign he declared that general smith was a disgrace to the form he wore and expressed the hope that the president would strip him ot his uniform with in forty eight hours SENATE after a brief discussion the senate agreed to the house amendments to the oleo margarine bill as passed by the senate the measure now goes to the president tor his sig nature an effort was made by mr teller ot colorado to amend the measure so as to levy a tax of 10 per cent of the capital or assets on any butter trust that might be formed but it was defeated the conference report on the chinese excle slon bill was adopted consideration of the sundry civil ap atlon bill was begun but not concluded april 9 the omnibus public building bill passed the house the appropriation ot tor ogden and 00 tor evanston wyo remains in the b 11 according to the report of the committee over bills authorizing public building legislation leave been intro deuced during this session calling for an aagre gate appropriation ot over tal the de mand tor public buildings comes not only from the states and territories but also from porto rico alaska and hawaii the bill will distribute 17 among cities As the bill covers into the treasury the total amount carried by the bill Is reduced to thai extent the bill provides tor seventy seven new buildings and sites six buildings on sites al ready purchased seventeen buildings on do bated sites and fifty eight increases in ampro tor building already authorized it also provides tor the purchase of sixteen sites the majority for the bill was so overwhelm ing that only nine members backed a demand tor the ayes and noes on the passage ot the bill SENATE the philippine measure was under discussion in the senate by the senate were william H moody of massachusetts to be secretary ot the navy postmasters D A dawson reno nev S F kelly san bernardino cal the senate committee on military affairs au theorized zed an adverse report on the bill creating a national park at appomattox a where general lee surrendered to general grant |