Show remarkable 01 in an ancient volu entitled hope of zion printed in 1 39 and to be found in the bais sel switzerland is found the folio ang prediction bj the author clotius agn tion ahe old time gospel gifts la lost and fil a doc tunes preval in ever church and 11 every lied all wo can do is to exhort the people to be just fear god shun evil an I 1 iiii pai prater and purity kiy cause an angel to visit a deep d stressed soul but I 1 tell vou that god ill in one hun lied 1 lye spoken agi n he ill ies ore t e old ti gospel aga n 1 e e a 1 attic jandot ceolo led b a prophet ind faithful ciders e aie burned and murdered but in 11 atle val ley that lies on the beores of great lake they will row an 1 mike i alcait ful and a temple of magn slen dor and they a ill also the old t me priesthood uth apo at os teachers a d deacons fron eveir na tion will the bel ever be gathered by speedy messengers and then ill tam abw waa with thunder and 1 and de such is s heard of in his tory |