Show of treason former soldier Is given ninety nine years ernest wild a british subject oe cup es a cell in the guardhouse at jefferson barracks barra st louis awaiting transportation to the federal prison on alcatraz island in cal fornia bay to serve a n nety nine year sentence for treason to the united baates if he had not falsely sworn that he was a citizen of the united states he could not have found h s way into his prea aut predicament for he would not have been accepted as a recruit for the united states aimy in st louia de cember 5 1899 and shipped to the phil paines wilde had been in active service on luzon island only about one month when he d from the camp of company of the twelfth infantry at Pane quie fifty in les from manilla for twenty days he remained absent then e turned up in 1 and surrendered he sa d he had been cap aured by the insurgents and with much difficulty had escaped with him was a soldier named kenney from the fourth cavalry who told the same story instead of taking wilde s word and permitting 1 m to rea n h s command the commanding officer at harlac or dered him before a general court mar bial charging him with desertion and specifying that he 1 ad qu t camp to join and fight with tl e pino ansur gents on tl is charge and specifics a tion wilde was convicted |