Show rDE LEbS DES color silk wo il or cotton perfectly at one boil ing sold by druggists H per package excursion kitten via tl e atchsion Atch liOn santa ie on june alth and the following first class passenger rates will be effective via above route from ogden and salt lake city utah to missouri river and return 32 00 st louia and return 39 50 chicago and return 44 50 final return limit september ath 1902 for reduced rates to other po ants and information regarding excursions on other dates than above apply to I 1 WARREN as F ry dooly block salt lake city ut riso a cure tor consumption Is an infallible ined cine lor coughs and coidin W ocean grove N J feb 17 1000 A WI AND to men with alt to introduce our poultry goods dept D kan |