Show REAL COAT OF MAIL twenty five feet of sliver wire 1 dmd in man e in chicago when isaac ascher who is at the county hospital suffering from an operation performed recovers he need not fear going to war for he will have a coat of mail sa d a young physician who saw the operation dr charles davison and his assistants placed about twenty five teet of s iver wire in ashers abdomen in darning a rupture of the anterior abdom nal wall the muscles had been spread so far apart they could not be draw to gether so tl e doctors used fine silver wire to literally darn a space of three by five inches this ib probably the first time this on has been per formed in cook county after the litt ce work of silver threads bet veen the muscles had been completed ti e sk n was drawn together and sewed the patient is resting well and there is no fear that I 1 e will not recover times before he went to the county hospital a few days ago aschel had been operated upon |