Show WHY vaccination PARTY FAILED office boy sniped doctor point for toothpick it all happened through a fatal er of the health officer leaving un guarded tor the brief period of three minutes a bundle of toothpicks such as are used by practitioners in rub blag the vaccine virus in the after it has been applied and as a consequence one of the largest of the numerous vaccination parties now be ing held in the business district bad to be called off the employed emp loyes of a large wholesale establishment had been summoned and with arms bared and expression on their faces awaited the ordeal when the affable but lar member of dr lederle s vaccine corps stepped into an inner office to speak with the proprietor leaving bis implements behind this was too great a chance for tom my the office boy says the new york mall and express who began to in and who possessed of a sense of the eternal fitness of things thought his mouth for one and bis pockets for the other a better rest ing place tor the toothpicks than an atmosphere of virus and cuticle knives say he explained confidentially to a bosom friend after the health officer in calling the party off had passed some rather personal remarks on the full duties of an office boy it dey use toothpicks fer vaccinating do yer suppose dey d use a coal shovel fer de measles |