Show ICE united states land office 1 bait I 1 ake marcalo 1302 I 1 to whom it may concern tice Is hereby give i that tl e state of utah has flied 11 tl la office a hat no 2 of la ids selected 1 the aid state for the ea mei t and n of a miners hospital u der beetle i 12 of tie act of co gress approved july tl fol long tracts embraced in said alet are 1 a downsi p contafi il ig mineral claims of re ord tl e W 4 N E see 31 tp 13 S 8 E S I 1 mer A copy of said list faras it relates to said tracts by descriptive rub divisions has been conspicuously posted in this office for inspection bv any pe son aid by tl e public generally within the diye next following tie date 1 ereon ui der nt 1 1 1890 X D i B pro tests or tests agal st ano llala of tie state to any of tl tracts or sub is hereinbefore d i the aroun 1 that tho same Is mole valuable for mineral tl an for purposes will bo received and noted for report to tl e oe era I 1 a id office at mashl agton DC I 1 so t protest or cont at it il the tine will bo s t evidence of tl e i on mineral cl fracter of tl e tracts ai d the selection tio i thereof being otherwise free from hlll ie bocon mended f oval i RANK GEO A ne celver register karlh 15 last pub may 10 |