Show RECALLS washington Monn ment erected on spot put alde a crown perched upon the brow of a hill about two miles of anew burg N Y stands a plain bious rubble monument erected by the historical society of bay which marks the site ot a build ing within whose walls occurred one of the most dramatic events of am history in 1782 owing to lack of pay etc discontent with their lot distrust of a republican form of government had gained a formidable foothold among the rank and file of the army mat had reached such a pass indeed that a secief meeting was called arg ing the army to appeal from the jus tice to the fears of the government make demonstrations of power and determination arouse the tears of the people and so obtain justice tor them serves the outcome was a letter addressed to gen washington by col nicola an officer of the army which after a re cital of fulsome praise of the comman der in chief bald in part owing to the prejudice of the people it might not at first be prudent to assume the title of royalty but it all things were once adjusted we believe strong ments might be produced tor admit ting the title of king thus forewarned washington Is sued an order tor a meeting of the officers at the temple gen gates presided and amid great solemnity the commander in chief arose and read his address which was a masterly and eloquent plea tor faith in the justice of their country terming those who would overturn the government trai tois and finally emphatically de dining to be made a king A YOUTHFUL HEIR presumptive prince michil to anio the flowery empire only recently has japan taken its place among the great nations of the earth and still more recently did it gain the youngest heir presumptive among the leading royal personages of the world this Is because prince michi grandson ot the mikado destined to rule the flowery em pire one of these days waa born only three quarters of a year ago prince michi whose HEIR by the way Is crown prince yoshi hito eldest son of the mikado and only 25 years old unique in being tha first heir presumptive of japan to dress exclusively in european gar ments not a piece of his royal lay ette is made after the japanese fash ion except tor the richness ot his dress the japanese cut of his hair and the strictly oriental look of his round little face the baby prince might ba mistaken tor the child of a well to do american family new york press jersey rubt jersey justice Is making consider able of a name for itself these days isaac D ward a justice of perth am boy has decided that a parent can punish a child with any degree 0 cruelty provided he does not leave a mark on the child s body the chinese know eleven ways of giving the death torture without leaving a mark on the body of the victim there la a wide and useful field for a few chinese coaches in the scope of jersey justice ping pens in bew forte ping pong is being introduced in lunch rooms in new york where pool and billiard tables are an bality luncheon being over by 2 SO these rooms hitherto having been earning nothing in the later alter noon with ping pong the lanci tables are shoved together in threes er fours the court Is laid out the net spread and the game thrown open to the public foreigner in various ciulei boston Is a shade more foreign than chicago it has 35 1 per cent of for eign born while chicago has only 34 6 per cent but new york Is more foreign than either the percentage of foreign born is 37 per cent these three run a close race for the lead san francisco comes in with per cent ancient work on the nile the ancient historians say that over one thousand miles of the lower nile were protected by artificial era bank ments and other works of engin beering skill |