Show TOWN AND COUNTY dr brownell Brov nell reports bus q ute brisk in his line the goo I 1 luck steel rinses speak for themselves at ottosen a io can afford to be without a hammock this week boc at ottosen u the receipts of county recorder an dersen s office for the month of april were 60 mrs george sno v 0 ille is still very sick but her host of friends hope for her recovery mibs esther appleman accompanied her father from fiovo on wednesday to clerk in the store here peter brandsen Pr andsen left for P V junction on here he is nov engaged with shearing his sheel simon jennings of ie v loncoa wis a friend of dr bro anell is visiting in for the benefit 0 his health is a little item that should have appeared last week on monday morn ing pal 21 a 11 pound boy was born to mr and mrs james jeffs founty clerk 1 ox in his official capacity as cupid issued i marriage license on tuesday to john S ht age 23 and 8 lott age 18 both of huntington Hunting toh add from besterda est erda on oa i procure one of the beut ful heenie hf enie couches U bg dupee aia enjoyed at lerron thursday night s i climax to the amny n aldach ind family arrived here early in the wel from mt 1 ant to make this cita their future home mrs jos thornton of perron is still seriously illar brondell Bro noell pronouncing hei that of cancer of the stoan ach mrs mary S vasey is to be the new clerk in the people s mer co s stoic she is being trained by dt V inters for a professional il curse oscar barton Is moving from his al place of residence to a faran east 0 jovn which has hitherto belonged to alaksin aldach he exchanged his place in Cast ledale or the same mt pleasant pyramid henry the 21 year old son ot mr and mrs henry laramie ot died on the little boy was taken sick at sunnyside Sunny side about s x weeks before his death funeral wis held monday An effort will be made by the friends of ernest childs of orangey ille to ss cure tor him a ne v arpi c riely ri ely any one believes him guilt ol 01 the offence for which he wi s recently sentenced to sene a term 0 he years in the idaho penitentiary sahna gentleman with a desire to strengthen the moral tone of the corn has prepared a list of the tough young men and halt grown boys ind handed it in for publication in the sa lina sun A good sized list could be prepared in this town for the re union ot the Y academy in commemorate comme morat on with dr maeyers management to be held may 29 and 30 the rio gande railroad offer a rate of a single fare for the round tri ill points in utah to provo date of sale may 27 and 28 return limit may 31 there are of our among the fair who will endorse the following clipping the most expensive system of farm si aply 13 where the wife is mide m ide to lug in ill the nater froni the well we kio of a case where this system of works cost in doctor s bills to make re pairs our brother did not disappoint us he sent is the finest line of spring gooda the ladies siy that the ever did see oh they are handsome lawns organdies swiss perciles teton silks for waists etc of courna the freight 13 not much on these goods as the are 1 and you know all that they cost you is the freight orange ville co op the taxpayers of Cast ledale have at last struck ono proposition upon which they are quite agreed which I 1 enczur aging in MOW ot past differences the one proposition 19 that they wi 1 indulging in the luxury of a new school house lor at least another 5 ear by a vote of 66 to 1 on thursday afternoon they defeated the proposition for a 2 per cent tas levy to ra so another fund for continuing work on tha new balding if the fello v who voted for the measure had been present when the votes were canvassed there is no doubt but ft hat he would have voted to mike the no tax proposition unanimous in kiev of the unanimity of the action it is need 0 o siy thit the meeting preceding tho doting was short ind harmonious and the conte t was as bilm 13 a duiker meeting the trust eg of the Cast ledale school district 1 ive emp ed simuel W wil liams ot tor principal 0 the docil school tor next ear and thomas wil hams of the sine place to teach the intermediate department the employ ment of a primary teacher wis deterred neither mr alien mr dickson or M aa reed were applicants for re employment rumor hns it that mr alien is willing to serve the dear people as county ol 01 public schools should pol ti cal lightning strike his tent about nom bcd election time mr dickson is too deeply engaged in the coil oil and live business to cire to agun en aige in so tranquil a pursuit as retailing hook lore to the rising generation miss has another pro posit on anler ons aeration de ration and anny not preside at the s desk neu year mrs kiy ahnes of vernal passed through ton to n besterda lest erda by her father thornton on a visit to her mother who u critically ill at ferron the observation of may day in castle lale thursday v ia an open ail concert by tho famous dry climate band which serenaded several business places in beening dr W P winters returned from mt pleasant thursday to devote his whole attention here to his mercantile and professional business mrs winter bill jo n him bere iere in about t vo weeks acro caa I 1 g ming some all over la e and nice ha r ornaments why at the same store that iou get lead made under skirts so chelp the orangey ille co op of course R 0 miller ind prink re at tended the priesthood meeting at puce on thursday there was but little bus mess of interest transacted the next monthly meeting will be held at orange ville june 5 mr ind mrs chas R johnson passed through jovn yesterday on their way from I 1 erron to huntington mr john as not certain where ha would teach school next ear but is inclined to think that price will be the place the utah central district medical as tion was organized at mt pleasant a monday evening there was a good atten dinco of dr N ray of mt pleasant was elected i resi dent of the asso lation for the first ea dr son of castledine Castl edile waa made char manof the finance committee and is one of the foul ephs phs ire chosen to speak before the assoc atlon at its meet ing next jul A girls essay fhe boy is not an au mal et the can be a considerable distance when a bov hollers he opens h a b g mouth 1 ke frogs but girls hold their tongue till they are spoken to and they answer respectable and tell just how it was A bo thinks himself clever because ho can wade where the water la deep hen the boy gro vs up ho la called a hustind and he stops wading and stas out at nights but the grown up girl 13 a widow ind keea house an inspection aa made sunday and monda by of those interested in the ano la properties being opened bv harvey hardy west 0 woods de in emery co inny on parallel ledges are the beeker copper boy and sheep rinch and on another fissure quartering bovard tho end lines of the thieo ibave is the lawton the sho ving in all the properties is excellent in the sheep ranch rich sil ver lead ores are reappearing in the bottom 0 a foot shaft in the beeker the working shaft is do n sixty feet on the toot vail with mineral sho v ing in i airl quartzite quirt zite while open cuts on various points on the surface of tho lodge 1 ivo she vu the entire forty fe fc width ot ledga yielding from 10 to 00 oo s silver and f om a trace to 62 per cent baad laad w theome copper values sis miles from theae minea mr hardy 13 open ng up the toltec a copper her property wh ch is shoeing lionizing lionising lion ising ore in a fifty foot shaft and in three open cuts simples have been brought i for the assay er |