Show CHAFFEE DETAILS SITUA IN MINDANAO ISLE every effort will be made to 1 general war and Fere aade na to surrender adjutant general corbin has made public the following extract from a cablegram just received from general chaffee dated manila april before baldwin could be communicated with he had taken the fort at after sl resie tence llo cas fallt es very soon after neighboring town of canasi opened its doors hoist ed white flag and delivered red flag datto lampo and others with strong following asked perm ss on to call and make peace datto Amani pack of gana who sent threatening message in reply to my letter is one of those who have submitted camp is two miles from gana whose sultan has asked baldwin to come there have directed him not to move is ten miles from datto it la my purpose to have interview with general davis will go on cock which leaves today for Ma labang with battalion tenth infantry it is our purpose to show a cons demable force of troops to lake moros converse with dattos then retire troops by dif ferent trails to Ma labang and parang and thereafter to send expeditions oc casio nally to lake we supposed gana was thirty five miles from mala bang but it is actually short twenty one miles fighting not necessary to overcome opposition to advance to present location of troops men with baldwin two troops cavalry dismounted twelve miles in rear every effort will be made to prevent a gen eral war davis says the situation this time very favorable |