Show DID ALL HE COULD ant nt of was Wort ble when to bilm busily buzzing along in one diorec alon came a madison avenue car and when from another direction borne on the breeze came a soft black hat there was a collision hey there I 1 yelled the owner of the hat the conductor rang the bell and the car stopped after much backing and going for ward while the passengers alternately chafed and sympathized and a crowd gathered on the sidewalk the hat now crushed muddy and lacking all ita pristine gayety was rescued the owner of it turned it around and around and then solemnly banded it back to the conductor why dont you sue the company suggested a red faced man on the plat form dey bay said a tat passenger well said the conductor and with the hat still in his hand he pull ed the bell cord and the car went on the owner of the hat said not a word but stood by the side of the rack says the new york mall and express and blankly watched the car it disappeared then he looked up at the windy sky and went away |