Show DRASTIC MEASURES WERE necessary the reported kill and burn order ot general smith made imperative by treachery ot native the trial by martial of general jacob H sm ih on the charge of conduct cial to good order and discipline has been resumed at manila major littleton W 1 waller of the marine corps testified to receive 07 from general smith the orders to kill and burn and render samar a howling wilderness previously referred to ic the press dispatch es the natives of bamar said major waller were more treacherous and im than the tribesmen of the soudan without general smith adras tic measures tl e var would not have been ended yet general smith never intended to kill women or children corporal of the N nth infantry who took part in the fight at gandara testified that he saw boys of 12 years of age fighting and slashing with bolos sergeant bon castle of tl e ninth infantry at apache testified regarding captain fight at dap dap province barnar aga net D os D os banat cs lie saw a sold ei attacked by two boys under 15 one armed with a bolo and the with a dagger private nickol of the ninth infantry explained the dangers and difficulties of service in the island of samar private of the tenth cavalry told how la tives friendly to tle americans ered there in cold blood sergeant ber geant brumby of the ninth in far try a si of the Balin giga massacre mis sacre that d in eluding the butila mutila ion of the american dead by the samar natives |