Show dr Browne II is prepared prep ired to promptly respond to any call for professional ico from any point in emery count call him up by phone his office is in the Cast ledale drug store we have shirt ailts any size any price an kind anastie and so you cm get one that will please you oranges ille co op the big new stock 0 well selected roods ire no v on sale at tha people s mer co s store the gooda are right and the prices are the very lo 10 vest fred Apple caan and sam Berc stem leiva for green biver moab and other blind county points on wednesday a big load of dr goods clothing etc this week will about fin sh the sheep shearing it cos v u corral 1 th automatic ne v roil sewing ma chine la deserting of our it tenton at ottosen fraudsen Frau daen ia a b g bunch 0 horae for sila on mon day may 12 sciatic rheumatism cured after fourteen years of suffering I 1 have been affa acted with sciatic rheumatism for courteen lour teen ears bays josh edg ir of germai town cal 1 a able to be around but constantly suffered I 1 tried everything I 1 could hear of and at last wis told to try chamberlains pirn balm which I 1 did and was immediately relieved and in a short ti ne cured and I 1 im haplin to say it his not s returned why not use this lini nent and get well it is for sale by all dealers in patent medicine libben to our stor it is strange but true people often remark I 1 don t see hov appleman co can sell goods as cheap as they do we 11 tell ou how this is the railroad companies com pinies charge no freight but e bu our goods but always at rock bottom prices railroad Rail roid freight is high but goods are cheap w hem ou inov low to bu now ou know how we can afford to soil cheap no one can equal our goods and prices A te v specula HEAVY OIL CLOTH 22 PER YARD 80 DOZ TURKISH TOWELS size 2350 A PAIR HEAVY WINTER OUTING FLANNELS ac real balue per ard talk about your snaps iou can get them at our TABLES next week AT THE SAVING STOR casate dale wo pay the highest prices for hides polls dod wool u mt AS ft A wont 1 bilow advice after luff for it in a recent article a prominent ciao says it is next to impossible for tho physician to get his patients to carry out a proscribed ot b giano or diet to the smallest extent ho has but one resort lett namely the drug treatment when medicines are 1 for chronic the josf obtainable such as sitoni ach and liver giblets should be aloyed I 1 heir use la not followed by constipation they leave the bo vili in a natural nod healthy condition I 1 or salo by all dealers in patent all diseases start in the bowels keep them open or you will be sick CASTA act like nature keep liver and hovels active without a grip ing feeling six million people take and recommend u iry 10 cent bos druggists are sold as low as any goods aj our competitors peti tors but arc of far better aluc foi the money on account of quality you ill be of this you sec and ascertain our prices on our there are tho finest ever brought to emery county see our summer suits for men and boys at cost our line ol 01 WRAPPERS HOSIERY and TRIMMINGS is tho very beat our store is on a we buy or cash and sell tor cash we pay the highest prices lor all produce mercantile co THE ANDERSEN HOUSE mrs Katuin ki andersen proprietress reopened re opened for the accommodation of the public convenient simple booms 1 commercial men headquarters blass in every respect 1 eed stable m connection mcgovney cashier J M pres lent G vica president the first national bank OF PRICE UTAH capital banking in all its branches J M whitmore L steuben G miller goorno 0 and L the united stites accounts of dubi exchange Ex chango draft n on principal aties ot ti nesa arms stockmen and ranchmen e dj rii 0 o have a few specials to next ivask mahogany parlor suit 6 pieces upholstered silk tapestry regular price 60 00 giov 1 aik oik parlor suit pieces upholstered iti velour nicely finished regular price 50 1 folding bed as 16 now 1 25 hammocks now only these and many other good bargains at the castle dale utah |