Show COMING AND GOING miss amelia graehl was up from froin salt lake lak e sunday visiting relatives housekeeping rooms to rent reni by D rosenbaum 30 J P bush of the western bottling works at ogden was bau siness visitor to brigham last monday early rose seed potatoes F for or sale L J anderson m 23 30 p THE MINSTRELS are on tomorrow evening and saturday see se the parade at p m saturday it 11 J holt tile tho jeweler went over to logan this morning to spend a few days visiting relatives and friends call at tho the kozy kerner and get a nice calendar for 1911 its free frea we make your clothes to fit you right HAMSON OLSON iop two wagon loads ot or wall paper just JUSE received hanson flin co 0 mr air and mrs willim petersen or of ogden spent sunday in brigham visiting mrs petersons Peter sens parents mr and mrs willie forsgren raster easter post cards at comptons comptois round cedar posts at baker lumber co best quality lowest price 2500 double rolls of wall pa paper er at loc double rou roll all new stock stohl Furni furniture tui e company the reliable furniture n 1 ture house it E AV dunn made a trip over to lagan th this Is morning on matters ol of business baby buggies and G go o carts ne never r a more beautiful line see the them and surely buy one stohl furniture company the reliable furniture house it WANTED AT ONCE aspan A span of 0 mares marcs cash notify this office I 1 neckties cleaned ac and loc at the steam laundry t tf f C NV hall was down from wesla portage yesterday on some matters of au siness bedspreads washed and laundered price to boc at the laundry tt tf four room lious housa modern for rent nn 11 burl the board of education was in ion yesterday and coombs ind and hansen of fielding respectively were in the city in attendance at the ne eting wo we wash overalls and jumpers at he laundry tt tf curtains cleaned and stretched to a pair at the laundry tt tf BIDS WANTED immediately for 30 oot foot cesspool H N bowring tt lf mr air and mr air J ell jensen are ra over the arrival ot of twin girls the little ladles ladies were born on sunday last and are getting along famously so Is their mama it vl vi our electric irons are ready for your inspection hanson furn co an organ at a bargain it if taken take at once nce hanson furn co THE MINSTRELS are on tomorrow evening and saturday see the it p in saturday it mccormick McCorm lck binder good as new for cheap or will exchange for hay W valentine brigham it mrs lottle lottie cozier is working up a splendid childrens act to be given n connection with the motion plc alc ures at the opera house next mon aay tuesday and wednesday evening mrs cozier is delighted with the response she is getting from the childen and the little act will be more than worth the price ot of admission aside rom the pictures EGGS FOR HATCHING from the lest best stock of pure bred white leg lorns in box elder county write or phone moroni willow rove farm bear river P 0 tf if |