Show professional NAL CARDS R pa H JONES LAWYER rooms 12 to 14 jones block BRIGHAM CITY UTAH NELS JENSON W E DAVIS jenson davis ATTORNEYS ATTO RN EYS AT LAW practice in all the th courts and ana 0 S supreme court office in jos P r hansan BRIGHAM CITY UTAH joseph K persons LAND ATTORNEY ia 4 years practical experience before land office and department of interior letters carefully and promptly answered room 4 commercial block salt lake city wm J LOWE lawyer practices in all ollio ino courts COUNTY ATTORNEY office court house brigham utah 0 H bryan DDS bell phone 31 red room 22 first national bash ban building BRIGHAM CITY UTAH HARDING mcgee HOSPI TALai dr J D harding dr 1 H I R mcgee BRIGHAM CITY UTAH BENJ C CALL DISTRICT ATTORNEY practices in all ite courts coarts office in first Nat national lonal bank bide BRIGHAM CITY UTAH FRED J HOLTON LA L AV WYEE Y E AND counsellor AT YA fac U office 3 blocks blacks north of opera house frigham city utan FUNK WELLS architects brigham city utah J D CALL I offlie Off lre at catl baek aldi brigham city biah P F C Hough houghton torl Lealer ueal ertin GENERAL merchandise HAY AND GRAIN Shoop mens supplies and acco mL la I 1 lions dons for travelers Trav clera promontory UTAH the housewife Is known by the bread fihe bakes A mothers safeguard rolens Foler js honey and tar for the children la best and safest tor for all coughs colds croup whooping cogge and bronchitis no op opiates lakes sold ky by avyan li L mily eddy and just how hob far f does the etchen lovers levers of 0 good health chau ld rr linstrad of letting themselves beet eck anil and then try to aure it so long sa as you keep your ilver bowels bowel and sw mach in a healthy and condition you wont get gel aci alck ballardi Eal Bal larda fl erbine relieves constipation inactive liver and all stomach and bostil troubles sold by brigham city pharmacy Paar macy slake make it a role nilo to count the biddies every day some folks never do this they might be robbed and never know it tubes tube of sutherlands Sut herlands eagle eye salve were sold in and not nol ono one word of 0 complaint though every tubo tube was sold le under a positive guarantee it is good for cothin ins but the eyes ask your druggist OR DR BELLS ANTI for internal and eternal pains CLAIMS AGAINST THE COUNTY at their regular meeting held last monday the county commissioner 2 passed as an order making it obligatory up on all who have claims against the county to have them filed with the clerk to be passed upon the first mon 1 day in each month as n that will i b be the only session at which claims will bo be considered in order to insure consideration 0 of IL a claim it must be la in the hands of tho the clerk properly bertl 1 fled to by 12 1 on saturday preceding the tint first monday of each month FOR SALE to stock of general merchandise chan diso in brigham city store and fixtures for rent cheap N L I 1 han an sen tt tf r I 1 I 1 emilius G F hartmann PLUMMER PLUMBER AND rr FITTER work and material guaranteed give me a trial and be convinced no job too small no job tw loo large BRIG K AST ca J WEDDING PERMITS soloman P stephens jr olive E stephens ogden charles w rapp 0 eveling evelina pinkham ogden both couples were married here ANIon monday day by judge denmark jensen do you kno what tei t ol at all t the he 1 I minor ailments colds are by tar far the most dangerous 9 it is not the cold itself that you need to tear fear but the serious diseases that it often leads to siou of these are known as germ diseases pneumonia and consumption are among them why not take chamberlains lains cough remedy and cure cold while you can for sale by wynn L eddy no report of 0 the condition of 0 the FIRST NATIONAL BANK at brigham city in the state ot of utah at the close of business mar 7 1911 resources loans and discounts overdrafts secured and unsecured U S bonds to secure I 1 circulation bonds securities etc banking house furniture and fixtures due from national banks not reserve agents due from approved reserve agents checks and other cash items notes of other national banks nickels and cents 9 cash fund with U S treasurer 59 0 circulation cu due from U S treasurer total liabilities capital stock paid in surplus fund undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid national bank notes out outstanding due to other national banks dividends unpaid individual deposits subject to check demand certificates of deposit f time certificates of deposit r certified checks total ja state of utah county of box bos elder SS T I 1 D peters cashier cf the a bove naniel bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the bestif biest of my knowledge and belief JOHN D PETERS cashier cash ir subscribed and sworn to before me this 15 day of march 1911 N A MACDONALD notary public correct attest S N LEE L A snow PHILIP QUAYLE directors N L IIan sens shoes are better leon co 4 69 nl v N t 4 we ve are pleasing others we can please you j aib ND fir VU 1 I 1 ev at L 7 ii aiji 4 iu jI 2 Q U W 4 r ersual f tj if rt FAFE 0 daa L I 1 L 7 F K 1 N D L U 1 15 TO U a to mf wro p rs SS a I 1 EASLE EAGLE EYE ETE SALM good for lothin No thin bo th tha reel t WILLARD willard mar 29 mr and mrs clair barker left tor for california yesterday where they will make their home in the future mr geo fox leaves for or prince rubert B C today for an indefinite time mr thomas wallace ot of salt take lake who recently purchased the orchard ot of mr charles 11 dudley is building a house there lucre and will move his family here as soon as co completed mple ted mrs mabel wood of huntsville was a visitor in our midst last saturday A smooth skin baack heads chaps pimples sores and all unhealthy conditions ot of the skin are unsightly and detract from the looks buy a box of dr bells antiseptic salvo salve a creamy snow ment apply as directed and your skin will be as clear as a babes at all ali dealers in medicines it Is reported that mr james il 11 white has been promoted from manager of 0 the ogden fruit growers association cia tion to that ol of manager of the utah fruit exchange bishop joseph hubbard II was unable to attend services sunday on account of illness international aviation meet salt lake city april esth to inclusive excursions nia lia oregon short line tickets on sale april 3rd ard to ath inclusive limited to april from stations north of ogden and south of spencer idaho see agents for or rates and further particulars ag constable chief that despret criminal what stole granny wings hot mince pie Is breaking out of jail the walls swalls is tottering tot terin chief Wic hetts then open tho door quick an let him out do you think we want our nice jail broke up atter after jest paint painten ln it N L IIan Ilan sens shoes shoe ar better vi REE TO ALL SICK S I 1 CIE I 1 PEOPLE SAMPLE ampt E OF WONDERFUL NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY SENT FREE TO ALL SICK OR AFFLICTED PEOPLE 1 I will mall mail free ot of charge a complete home treatment of 0 my wonderful new ew discovery to all sufferers who fill out the coupon below and send it to mo me today iday I 1 want to send aou ou this free proof treatment to show you the wonder ful 1 curative powers it has do not send money not one cent do I 1 ask for this lis wonderful new treatment just write me for it using the coupon below and id I 1 will send you at once the proof of the discovery that has cured others that lat suffered as you now suffer I 1 will also send free my book how to get well ell for your guidance it if you have any ot of these troubles fill out the coupon below low and send today dr D J SEND THIS FREE COUPON COUPON FOR FREE when filling out the coupon give TREATMENT the he numbers of your diseases as dr D J walsh box 2034 2094 boston given iven below mass 1 I 1 rheumatism 11 kidney trouble send me at once all charges paid t 2 lumbago 12 bladder adder trouble your our free treatment for my case 3 S Dia diabetes botes 13 heart disease and your book all entirely freo free 4 i dropsy 14 impure blood to me 5 neuralgia Neural gla 15 female trouble my name Is 6 5 constipation 16 torpid liver 7 indigestion 17 partial par paralysis alisis 8 headache adache IS nervousness my address Is 9 dizziness 19 wrights disease 10 0 ne nervous arvous debility 20 Ma malaria larla lf if you have any other diseases not ot in this list write writ ethem them on a age how long affected my troubles are nos piece bece of paper and enclose with my principal trouble Is no the ie coupon I 1 EV EVERY ERV PLANTZ PLANTER R SHOULD HAVE OUR aba rsm ka A L FOR IT TELLS POUL P 0 u AND 14 ALL ACOU T SEE 0 8 9 0 L 0 8 BEE SUPPLIES write today if you fil tnt atlon lon lares klamt cf this paper you YO J get a packet of our oar haloo SEEDS FREE THE BAR E L 9 E 8 SEED 0 60 9 C COLO the largest stock ot abw in D GRANITE in the state to select from and still another car just arrived at prices the lowest in the C 0 C A in state wco Q C place you order now for building material in our line WITH 12 HANDS WE CAN FILL YOUR ORDERS IF NOT LEFT UNTIL TOO LATE LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE PRICES THE LOWEST 9 att S 0 aa IDA S BRIGHAM CITY UTAH arsam ir sam cattie calde WE HAVE A NUMBER OF REGIST registered BULLS OR HEIFERS ROM FROM 10 MONTHS TO 2 YEARS OF ACE FOR SALE ALSO SOME FULL BLOOD RA LET RAMS AND EWES AS IOD AS ANY IN THE STATE PHONE OR WRITE craner MODEL FARM WEST OF corinne CORINN If |