Show suspension SION RELEASED ON BOX ELDER LANs LANDS government officials decide that the withdrawn acreage Is sub jeet act to entry I 1 immediately following the withdrawal of several thousand acres ci of land subject to onto entry under the enlarged homestead law in box elder county because it was reported that was to be had within a few teet feet of the burbace and did not properly come under this let act investigations were conducted by the government with the re result g that the suspension has been released according to notice rec received elved at the local land office from the department at washington yesterday after extensive investigations the government officials decided that the land was subject to entry under the smoot act thereby allaying the tears fears ot of numerous nume ious settlers who had taken up land in this territory under this act prior to the time of temporary withdrawal the tract includes a large part of the park and curlew valleys in which it Is said much valuable dry farm land is available the old line of the central pacific railroad company practically marks the southern boundary of the land affected the land suspended from entry on which the suspension has hag been released is described as follows townships 12 and 13 north range 11 west nest townships 12 and 13 north range 12 west townships 1 12 and 13 north range 13 west townships 10 11 12 and 1 13 1 north range 14 west vest townships 10 11 12 and 14 north range 15 west townships 9 10 11 12 and 14 north range 16 west townships 8 9 and 12 north rang 17 west townships 8 and 9 north range 18 west townships 9 and 9 north range 19 west herald republican |