Show wj X 4 I 1 7 f 4 ir r ai fl IF V X r it painting of president lorenzo snow f t unveiled at the tabernacle last sunday A TRIBUTE TRIB UTE BY JOHN BURROWS pause paus e here in solemn reverence rever reverence euce ind and gaze gaze fa wy y on this our bera of late a te bygone by gone gorte daj dana w a t look on his picture ponder trace hij true manhood and true greatness in his face facci ar V no eloquence nor wit of tongue or pen can tell the value of that man of men no artist orator nor poetic fire can paint tile the heights to which he did aspire true this product of this painters art 1 displays much skill shill which doth a char charm in impart y which to behold Is to admire and praise ills his life and character in every phase yiu depicted on the canvas yet wo we will acclaim him as our brilliant leader still ta not as in an idol before whom to kneel I 1 in mock devotion feigning love and zeal but as a MODEL of a MODEL man whose life and labors we all love to scan though absent in a real corporeal sense ills spirit presence brings us joy immense in retrospect we to his record turn read oer each page in full and there we learn ills grand career the battles that he fou fought glit on lifes great battlefield battle field and victories brought dy by inspirations in his soul ile he led the fight and pointed to the goal the way was rugged otten often stones assailed but yet he faltered not and ad at length prevailed A st aling actor on the stage of life played well avell his part with criticism rife A and rose by merit in his arduous role J k displayed a wonderous power of self control in adverse circumstances discreet and calm deliberate in counsel ho he on SHAM in public and in private grave astute ile he solved much problem and dispelled dispute our president and dauntless pioneer and patriarch prophet seer lie ile taught religious truths unsullied pure 1 and principles of truth that will endure temporal and spiritual not of his own c creation but founded on the rock gods revelation to guide his erring ch children idren here each day and up op to higher planes direct the way and shown chov n in archives of heavens great recorder ile he was a champion of the united order that saints with honest purpose should combine on policies most sacred and divine in social life ife he advocated union in word and practice too not mere communion ITO he gave the plan endorsed it too at length the adage that in union there is strength such was our heros character sublime while in the mundane sphere of 0 change and time where are his votaries vot aries who bear his name to share his honors and support their claim to such illustrious lineage dignity designed by birth and heritage to be heirs to the gifts and trophies that he won successors to his deeds so nobly done say can it be their cherished hopes are shattered their falling failing and their number scattered lured by fell lucks false deceitful glow or popularity or wealth or show nay not all departed all are not gone there still remains a soulful patient one our loyal luclus lucius ever ait at his bis post of love and labor with duty uppermost by precept and example he be v ill seek to raise the fallen and support the weak by day and night among the rich or poor or the distressed his sympathies secure when doubt assails by faith alth he holds the fort and gives his masters work his best support ye berg v r vaa daughters route rouse rl sa lit t af TS tr V ko fi 4 assert your birthright and renew your vows let true ambition all your souls inspire with love lore and honor for your our worthy sire and still persue pel sue that path wherein heaed rise nige to his bis standard and salute your head bead blight not the aspirations that you hold for worldly tame fame nor sordid lust for gold hold to the hope beyond the coming acar years eternal life and glory there appears when priceless riches marvelous marv clous and great unspeakable will crown your sires estate rouse house then to action labor with your might maintain your uneal lineal title clear and bright onward and upward falter not but show A worthy kinship to lorenzo snow |