Show HOW president moroni of the utah fruit exchange was in I 1 brigham yesterday and gave the now news man a brief account of the corporation which wai was about as follows with the certification of articles of incorporation for the utah fruit exchange to the secy of state monday an organization springs into existence which the fruit and produce growers of the state have long felt the feces alty ity of this organization is patterned after in california oregon washington and idaho and its purpose a not one ol of profit making but merely to divert shipments of fruit to mark is 3 where the best prices are prevailing in carrying out this object depre onta tives wll will establish headquarters is in cs astern tern points and from there direct tai hi shipments the fruit growers asu in the exchange will ivill load UK tb tr I 1 r trull fruit in cars ar ac the point of a eimert and notify the exchange i fsr will then bo be billed to the c r tern headquarters of the exchange while in transit however the depre nta tive of the exchange will notify the railroad over which the shipment la is to divert the shipment to whatever r market lie he desires payment for the shipment is then made out to the association from which it came with a small per cent deducted for the services rendered in securing the maximum prices of the eastern markets associations JOIN seven of the th associations in the state have already entered the exchange according to the articles of incorporation these are the cache fruit growers association dear river valley F fruit it growers association brigham city fruit growers association ass ocla willard fruit growers association ogden fruit growers association utah county fruit and produce a association 6 a 0 c I 1 a t I 1 0 n springville mapleton fruit F growers grow cre association the authorized capt capitalization is i liza flon of the lit lu 1 shares the rhe following are the officers moroni bear river city president ray V wentz provo vice dent james M 1 I white willard Wll lard secretary joseph E wright ogden treasurer these with the exception of of the treasurer will act on the board of directors in conjunction with john F burton of garland john P christensen of DrIg brigham harn city L J anderson Drig brbgham hain city C 11 II clay ogden ras has logan joseph hubbard and joseph IT II mason alason willard Wll lard alva Spring springville ville 0 J poison provo WHITE GENERAL MANAGER at the initial meeting of the board of 0 directors held saturday james AI white of winard willard was wag chosen as general eral manager with nepal J valentine of brigham city as assistant manager they will leave immediately for the east to begin their work by acquainting themselves with the market conditions in that section of we the country |