Show PRESIDENT LORENZO LORENZ 0 SNOW every state and almost every section has its leader A superior spirit or master mind which has exerted the greater influence in the up building of that particular commonwealth like all other sections brigham city and box elder county point to the labors of one certain individual whose efforts in the beginning of the commonwealth mon wealth are largely responsible tor for the present pleasant surroundings surrounding sand and blessed conditions that individual was president lorenzo snow the first president of the box elder stake one of the twelve apostles and later the fifth president of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints in the fail of 1853 he received a call from the first presidency to locate in dox box elder county where a handful of seit settlers lers had made their home and who were in need of a master spirit to direct in laying the foundations ot of a great commonwealth he came with a little band of fellow pioneers and went to work he laid out this beautiful city and named it brigham in honor of the president of the church brigham young ile he served as stake president until 1877 when the county was organized president snow was elected a member of the council branch of the legislature ta represent box elder and weber counties re he served continuously in the legislature for thirty years twelve of which he presided over that body he established the united order in this community by which home man sprung up and resources were developed on a large scale in fact that institution was the faunda tion of the commercial structure of this president snow gave his whole poul and energy to this work and succeeded succeeded in tri cringing brin gins nging it up to svafa a degre e of perfect perfection lorl that it stood out as an example to the entire church and world as to what could lie be y sy tein la gave the best part of his life fo i tajo 6 up building of this community aej there was never a time from the day he located here until his spirit was called hence that he did not think and feel and plan for the betterment of I 1 conditions here president Lort lorenzo lizo snow is so interwoven into the social and commercial fabric of this city and county that time will not efface his labors ile he was one of the great men of the earth destined to perform a marvelous work and a wonder and those who knew him and are acquainted with the stu pendulous things which he accomplished can bear testimony to the tact fact that he was truly a master spirit such an one which made the world better by his having lived in it As the rather of brigham city and box elder county it Is very proper that such honor as having a life sized painting of him hung in the stake house of worship be accorded tor for too much honor cannot be shown a I 1 man of the character of president lorenzo snow and may his memory ever be an inspiration to the youth to more noble endeavor and pure living that they may ultimately realize the grand condition expressed in the the famous scripture which he explained As man now is god once was as god 0 now is man may be |