Show MUSIC iSIC IN INTHE THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS the following la Is a synopsis ot of tile the lecture delivered ot t teachers institute recently by prof W A wetzell supervisor of music in the salt lake city SCh schools GOIS there are two kinds of generals those who go before and inspire their ranks to follow the th others who follow in the rear and drive the ranks before be not of this latter type were I 1 to have my way music would be made the foundation of 0 all other subjects no other basis for the comprehension of cf fractions music offers two lines of development technical or intellectual and cultural or emotional the intellectual intellect ua phase must be made pro prominent in our school work training or ct the ear car in school work usually precedes that of the eye every pupil enters school with an ear training in words and the first duty of the teacher Is to give eye training the purpose of school is to give each pupil power to do for himself we are teaching many songs but not enough music the fundamental of music is the scale the entire category of music is but the combined lations of the thirteen tones of tile the chromatic scale the first thing to do is to see notes on the lines and in the spaces then think the tone lone and sing we do not sing notes but tones america was analyzed and interpreted by tle the teachers under the direction ot of prof wetzell the respect which every citizen owes to our star spangled banner should always bring him to his feet ec at its rendition it if music Is written too low modulate teach the scale descending to 0 avoid carrying carrein the gloomy murky tones 0 the low notes up through the scale it you desire to weaken a climax repeat your tones it if a strong climax la Is desired raise your tones there a teacher in this land who slighting his task it if ho he Is not giving definite instructions in music it music shall be very successful it must be taken up young as pairs ot of muscles control the vocal membrane and they must be cultivated while plastic all people like music and are able to produce it more or less but many people do not like the work which its accomplishment entails in any work worth while you must do some un interesting work before you can got get any degree ot of satisfaction or perfection people who have a disposition to take to certain kinds of work always find a way to perform it not less important than the strings upon a violin Is the body of rosewood rounding re enforcing and vibrating every tone produced so in the human organism not less important la Is the trunk and its vibrating force to tile the tones and sounds than the vocal membranes themselves discourage rough harsh shouting tones set the sound board modulate them use musical tern s in teaching music and pronounce fiem correctly prof wetzel says 1 I a not a musician but I 1 have an idea how it should be taught and what it should comprise he has reduced his idea to a very definite system and none qa question estion his success as a director of school music |