Show advertising EXPERT HERE mr leonard fowler an in independent epen ent agent who be has operated in most every part of 0 tho the united states and in later ye years are has been boosting the west for all that Is in him Is ia in this city endeavoring to interest the representative citizens in an ad advertising vertia campaign to boost the resources of 0 brigham city and box elder county in connection with other parts of tho the slate sate it la Is not mr fowlers plan to run in an ad like the one which recently appeared in the chicago record herald but he first works to get a fund which Is contributed to weekly or monthly as will best suit tho the convenience tit of the donors and with that lund fund he places write up matter in the large papers which have a circulation that will resell reach the people most alost interested in getting homes in the west mr air fowler recently made an address in the salt lake theatre to the business men and citizens generally of salt lake city and he h Is closely associated with important business interests in salt lake city in a tar far reaching publicity campaign lie he wig was formerly with the outcalt company of chicago and Is recognized Is as one of the greatest pub agents in this country mr air fowler Is assisted by mr J D reilly as solicitor who has made a specialty of that end of the bug business for many years the gentlemen are arc visiting around among the business men arid and prominent citizens and have also explained their purpose to the board of governors of the commercial club thero there Is no question that brigham city box elder county and tho the great otate of utah needs advertising but it requires a united effort on the part of the citizens to accomplish that labor mr fowler Is endeavoring to do just that thing and his efforts certainly should be rewarded with success THE MINSTRELS are on tomorrow evening and saturday see the parade at p m saturday it |