Show J G KNUDSON REPORTS TRIP E avery ery now and then a promoter CO comos L a round around with a gilt edge proposition in mining stock rubber stock banana stock or some other stock whereby tho the investor is placed in a way ot of accumulating a fortune in 1 very acly short time the latest big promotion scheme la Is lands lit in florida which t the he little booklets handed out I 1 state will produce anything that grows P practically some time ago sir mr R raiser kaiser and a number ot of other gentlemen of f this city became interested in the development of florida but to perfectly satisfy themselves a as s to the genuineness of the proposition they thought it would be a good investment to pay expenses down there to make a thorough 11 investigation and report mr john C knudson was prevailed upon to make mak e the trip and departed on that some three w weeks beeks ago returning home last priday friday afternoon the report which sir fr knudson brot back was of such a nature that those who had become enthused before ho be left suddenly changed their minds and got out of it as fast as they could in order to be able to fully substantiate his findings mr air knudson brought home a number of samples of soil which reveal at a glance the character of the farm lands and orchard lands and that one glance is enough to satisfy anyone who has taken the trouble to take up a handful of the earth in which brigham peaches grow that it Is absolutely worthless the first sample of florida soil mr air knudson dug from under a hill of 0 tomatoes it is pure seashore sea shore sand fine white and pleasant to play in but totally lacking in the elements emmry to produce vegetation it sa Is said pure and simple of the seashore sea shore tv variety met as stat stated 1 d dad those who haap haaf aie 4 a I 1 t 1 I e 1314 aw k kan going down down a little fur t ther r in that sa samo in a place to toa a depth of knudson dug up up a dark substance that resembles charcoal which is nothing more than dark sand with a etue little substance which resembles burned trees and roots thoroughly mixed through it lie he took other samples in other localities but the predominating characteristic of them all is SAND it is discolored in places but sand nevertheless but mr knudson found nice gardens and orchards in florida and that too growing in soil like that lie ho brought home the reason crops are grown is because fertilizer is used not once in a while but for every crop that is planted 40 worth of fertilizer tins has to be on every acre of land and nothing will grow without fertilizer the climate is of such a balmy nature that anything will grow it if a little fertilizer is mixed with the sand to give that plant pant just a little encouragement but at 40 per acre that pic process becomes rather disheartening to a person who has been brought up on soil that you can almost eat with a relish it Is so fertile that la Is the condition at the demonstration farm in the section that Is now being developed by the capitalists who are promoting the scheme mr knudson then took a long journey of miles down the state to the everglades where here development work is also being carried on and of which much has been written in the way of booming the proposition lie he found the soil boll there to be nothing more nor less than regular peet lands which in others words Is sod eod ground and when the water is drained off the sod can be cut into large cakes dried and makes the fuel so commonly used in the old country known as peet 0 one n e gentleman stated to mr air knudson that when the drainage of the everglades was an accomplished fact work on which is now under way the country would burn up those who have had experience in draining marshy moa mea continued on pago page six J 0 KNUDSON REPORTS TRIP continued from first page lows dows in this community can verify this statement for that is lust just exactly what does docs occur there Is W water ater everywhere in florida andone needs but to dig down feet on any of the farm lands to get stagnant water or know that a tree will send its roots down deeper than that and they also know that just its as soon as the roots of a tree strike stagnant water amen to the lifo life of that tree yet mr knudson stated water can be oe round found at that depth anywhere in the whole country over which he traveled tile the booklet distributed by the pro loters showed alfalfa mr knudson said it was there all right enough three rows about five or six rods long heavily fertilized but even then the top was turning yellow roads are another big feature in the development or of that section they are absolutely needed and must be constructed ted of some kind of material which will pack firm and hard as the sand and S is bottomless there are no roads and the purchaser will have a big expense on his hands in making an outlet so lie can get to and from his farm the situation was sized up in a nut shell according to mr knud sons way of looking at it by a big missourian who had gone down there to be shown A little party of investigators vesti gators were talking the proposition over oy by themselves and the man from missouri voiced the feelings of all when he said well boys if ye cahnt make a livin whar ye aar ye d better not come down here to try to the visit was a most pleasant one however and productive of much good to mr knudson for he stated that never in all his life did he feel to appreciate pr preci c chate ate his home in the mountains so much as he did when lie he got down to florida and saw the character of land and the class of people 65 of whom are negroes of the blackest type which the new settler will have to work and live amongst the climate is the ong one redeeming feature of the south and jolla john says that it if a barrel of brigham city soil was planted in florida and a fellow would stick his bis foot in it it would grow ile he had a delightful time many nice people who were there on the same mission as himself and enjoyed his stay immensely lie he gathered two large cocoanuts cocoa nuts right off the tree with the jackets on them they are undoubtedly the first ever brought to this city on the branch when asked what his advice would be to anyone who had the florida fever mr ir knudson said 1 I would advise v is e them to forget it immediately and sta stay y in a country where they dont have to pay the price of the land each year to get a crop and where hay alone is 30 per ton toa |