Show plant a few ever blooming roses now Is the time V V PHILLIPS bell phone Z tt tf ZEE STATE BANK OF BRIGHAM CITY capital sural surplus as and profits 0 the largest in box elder county we pa 4 interest compounded quarterly we pay 5 interest compounded semiannually semi annually we invite savings accounts of and up we invite commercial accounts we have home savings banks for the children WE INVITE THE ACCOUNTS OF FARMERS WE INVITE THE ACCOUNTS OF RANCHERS WE INVITE THE ACCOUNTS OF MERCHANTS WE INVITE THE ACCOUNTS OF THE OLD WE INVITE THE ACCOUNTS OF THE YOUNG we invite large accounts we invite small accounts we give th the every very best service to all we want to help you we want you to help us we always have bave money moncy to supply the MIL demands ol of our ur patrons we invite you to call or write us for further information OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS david avid eccles president M S browning vice president R L fishburn jr vice pres W T davis cashier c geo eo A anderson abst cashier H H thos hog wheatley J C knudson nets els jonson jenson C W hall P A THE ANNUAL CONCERT by mrs lottle lottie cozier will this year tie be oven given in connection with the alo motion tiou pictures in order anat everyone who wishes to can see and hear tor for themselves what wonderful work has been accomplished by the pupils under mrs airs coziens Co careful training 4 splendid musical numbers 3 reels quality pictures including our famous 3 piece orchestra next monday tuesday and wednesday Wed neida y admission loc children under 11 halt half price at the opera house it THE MINSTRELS are on tomorrow evening and saturday see the parade a at p m saturday it FOR SALE pair ot of brown III tires I 1 harness arness and wagon outfit complete apply to peter G jensen J c ansen ward tt tf N L hansens hansen s 1 knoes are bater ba ter e lir 1 I 1 pm 7 1 E A X abild FA L I 1 I 1 L salt will put you right just the tonic your liver needs to keep your system in proper tone do you have that tired reeling feeling tone up the liver la Is I 1 your blood sluggish tone up the liver are you troubled with pimples on forehead or chin tone up the liver in tact fact to have it perform its functions properly this time of 0 year I 1 of you should tone up the liver DOES THE REXALL LIVER SALTS WORK FOR SALE AT the eddy br drug u store THE REXALL w t wynn L eddy STORE THE LIVE DRUGGIST A ays california ELDERS REUNION the annual reunion and social of 0 the callognia Cal lornia elders and their friends will be held at the twelfth thirteenth ward meeting house salt lake city and 2nd south same place as last april april 8 1911 come at eight saturday evening and meet deett your missionary Is companions and friends program dancing and refreshments we expect YOU to be present JAMES al pros prea FOR SALE to stock ot general merchandise in brigham city store and fixtures for rent cheap N L hallsen tt DONT A Is just read these bargains but see the property every one will stand rigid in vesti gation 15 acre hay lot GSG acres pasture close in GOO 00 10 or 20 acres first class peach land with plenty of water per acre 10 acres ot of alfalfa with water at hear bear river city 26 acice highly cultivated land with groom G room house at thatcher 34 acres willards Wll lards best land 56 acre farm near willard easy terms term grocery busi business neEs in good town cheap united commission Coni mission go cog 25 south main street A a i nc ner ncr L lace a c e curtains A T N ya THE ONE ARTICLE absolutely NECESSARY TO COMPLETE EVERY WELL FURNISHED ROOM AND THE ONE THING IN THE ROOM THAT IS S SEEN 1 FROM THE OUTSIDE SO NO MATTER HOW EXPENSIVE YOUR OTHER furnishings I 1 ARE IF THE CURTAINS DO NOT HARMONIZE THE ROOM DOES NOT LOOK WELL ON THE OTHER HAND A ROOM PROPERLY CURTAINED CAN BE MADE CHEERY AND HOMELIKE even if the furniture Is inexpensive the majority of 0 people do not see the interior of your home so BO judge your taste by what they do see your curtains YOU CAN SEE WHAT A CAREFUL STUDY WE HAVE MADE OF THE HOUSE furnishing QUESTION AND STILL WE ADD NOTHING TO OUR PRICES FOR OUR KNOWLEDGE OF COURSE IT IS EASY ENOUGH TO MAKE THESE CLAIMS BUT WE WANT YOU TO CALL AND SEE HOW WE MAKE GOOD 1 S t CR h I 1 i tur 0 both phones no mo 29 THE RELIABLE FURNITURE HOUSE m L ari re rr r cr at the GEM THEATRE thursday friday and saturday a fine program featuring the deluge hear mr air cun ning liam sing always ac and loc it N L hansena Hansen 3 shoes are arc better we call tor for and deliver all bundles broth both phones brigham Er igbani steam laundry tf t I 1 E C F r hartmann Is home again and attending to business mr air uart halt mann had a I 1 very serious time of it in ill undergoing an operation tor for appendicitis dic itis itts but he passed thru the ordeal successfully and is fast regaining his health free wo we will iron all your bed and table linen free of charge it you send us you family washing price co cc a bourd brigham steam laundry both phones tt it fred C nelson returned last thursday day from california whither he went a I 1 month ago to visit with his parents ile he saw most of the state along the coast visited all the large cities had a glorious I orious time and is now ready tor for hard work DAY OLD CHICKS rhode island rods reds and white leg horns ready for early april delivery 10 per hundred good laying strain also eggs for hatching csc for setting of 15 Z W beeman P 0 dox box brigham utah 30 10 ACRES FOR on five year terms that Is ahat hat we are offering in it park valley box elder county where peaches thrive as well as in DrIg brbgham hain city prices are steadily advancing you will do well to 0 get one of these tracts now write for or booklet pacific land water co SIG SIC newhouse Now house salt lake city utah alg 30 ho i t I 1 V T erdl rv r 0 F I 1 POST eff SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS spring Is hero here ald and you must at once your seeds I 1 we ve have everything you want in packages ot of the best seeds that grow our flower seed collection Is complete with the most beautiful flowers dont tail fail to get some and have a flower bed near your house send in sour orders with your meat and grocery orders remember you can plant and biow your vegetables cheaper than you can buy them from your grocer cash grocery grocer as meat company mccormick McCorm lck binder good as new for ELIO cheap or will exchange for hay H W valentine brigham it an extra fine cow for sale at the Tho thomash alt cash I 1 grocery meat co will trade for beet cattle tt tf announcement I 1 have pleasure in announcing to the people of Brig brigham Bri ghim harn city and box eld r county that on april I 1 will open up a first class shoe store in the I 1 building one door north of horsley Hors leya lor formerly merly occupied by mr II at christensen the shoemaker in which I 1 will viii carry a complete line of the famous and unexcelled Z C M I 1 shoes it is my purpose to carry all grades from the forkl working I 1 ug shoes to the v very ery finest so that all your shoe troubles can be remedied right here in in my store everything I 1 carri carry in stock awill I 1 will absolutely sol glia guarantee rantee I 1 insist on satisfying the public on oil april loth I 1 will take over the repairing department conducted by mr air christensen after which I 1 wil be in a position to both sell and mend shoes as your needs require I 1 thanking you in advance for all patronage I 1 am very truly yours HANS DANCE APRIL aillo the wednesday night club will give another of its delightful social balls at the opera house wednesday night ni glit april ath th admission 50 cents centi wm win stander is erecting a cottage on south slain main street between fifth and sixth south THE MINSTRELS are on tomorrow evening and saturday see the parade at p in saturday it on sund sunday ay afternoon a son arrived at the home of mr and mrs ernest cheney all concerned are doing nicely ly for sale cheap A first class new heavy work harness apply at this office 0 the fruit Gro growers iNers association is to supply you with home grown trees from one of the most reliable nurseries in the state see our prices 0 den ben hunsaker r turned this week from a trip through california whither he went on a business trip seed time get your seeds at the cash grocery co it t we wash nash blankets at the laundry U price 20 cents and up tf if 4 PLEASING spectacles it Is very disgusting to wear glasses that do not either fit the face or eyes but it is also dangerous you 6 bould never use glasses that do not make it a 2 pleasure to look through them as they me are sure to be misfit and may cause permanent disorder C acting rC acting ting misfits is our specialty taken i tinia is no reason why vc e cannot by our scientific method correct any eidor of 01 this kind it if you are unable to conio conic to oui store let us know and we will be glad sia to come to your home test yow your eyes and give you advice free of 0 charge holt jewelry company |