Show for croup dr bells pine tar honey is the best known re remedy enedy do not experiment I 1 1 get the genuine dr dells pine tar honey A special medicine for kidney ailments many elderly people have found in doleys kidney remedy a quick relief and permanent benefit from frani kidney and bladder ailments and from annoying urinary irregularities due to advancing anding years isaac N regan farmer mo says doleys Fo leys kidney remedy a complete cure in my case and I 1 i c i to know of it sold by wynn I 1 eddy and Brig hain city pharmacy IT sam fe roadbed clear as a parlor floor A pads gentlemen f who I 1 io recently traveled overl over it thea union edca lc his comm eaf your roadbed coolis loo ks as though the japs swept it every day it is as clean as a parlor floii this is because the B aya 0 standard road of the west has a roadbed of sherman gravel solid as a rock practically dustless it also has fewer curves and lower grades than any other transcontinental line with rills nils of 90 pound steel this roadbed as carefully tended as a fashionable boulevard means easy and clean riding it Is one of the reasons why the union pacific is the standard road of the west the people of the west are proud of the union pacific railroad and it Is proud of the people in its territory who by their operation cooperation co and support enable it to afford super for tares fares and all information call on or address lor for service to its patrons GERRIT FORT P T M U P R ro R OMAHA going to build N 0 W IS THE TIME AND T H I 1 S IS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR LUMBER AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS WE CARRY A le stock OF THE BEST LUMBER LATH SHINGLES DOORS WINDOWS CEMENT PLASTER ETC AT PRICES THAT WILL INTEREST YOU COB aft I 1 PC 01 C in AND GET acquainted WITH US WHETHER YOU ARE READY TO BUY NOW OR NOT WE WILL BE glad to medea Y ou J IL IL AKE pr R L U M B ER co I 1 JUST NORTH OF FIRST NATIONAL HANK BANK 11 II M MONSON manager brigham city utah THE NEW LUMBER YARD C aoh nr N FERENCE F r E rs R rm E ft C r RATES BETWEEN brigham ogden and salt lake TI M OGDEN 0 G 1 3 1 E N RAPID R al 13 he TRANSIT T re am 8 1 T alssid BAMBERGER B A M B E 1 w ri q d k G E IFS 0 IL tickets T on bicket s on sale april 3rd ard to ath inclusive good returning april thau e t 41 ak a yr A NO NO DUST NO ogden rapid transit electric way time I ard brigham to ogden special train leaves brigham 7 am ROUND TRIP brigham Brig liam 0 R T depot 1301 11 lad perry stop no 43 1 1401 11 apt 31 willard stop no 30 1 1521 11 hot springs stop no 17 I 1 i 2051 11 stop no 13 43 2131 11 five points ogden 1713 2211 8 21 11 0 n R T depot wash 1031 2331 11 6 7 lun ogden bamberger Bain berger depot 1 1081 2381 11 9 9 g lc savka aalt lake for tw and aam a m a m a m 1030 a m 1200 m p m p m p m p m p m 6 p m SIMON BAM BAMBERGER IBERGER pre president aident S L 0 J W BAILEY supt bupt 0 R T r y B MATERIAL EQUIPMENT you exposed yourself needlessly laria said mr dorkins severely here you are threatened with a bad cold old and you are in no condition to meet it all you know about it john wheezed mrs dorkins ive got nine ty y eight handkerchiefs there is only one pine tar hon bonsy y that la is dr dels dells it is tho the original and nd can be relied on in croup coughs olds colds and all lung and bronchial trou brou iles bles look for the bell on the bottle persistent our tommy said the boys mother ought to make a success in life ile ha shows great determination to stick to anything he undertakes does he queried the proud father yos yes she replied why he put in the whole day making bubbles and trying to tie a string to them A swollen jaw Is is not pretty nor pleasant 1 beth nether its caused by neuralgia toothache or accident ballards snow liniment will reduce the swelling and relieve the he pain tho the great and sure cure for or rheumatism cuts burns bruises scalds any and all aches and pains sold by brigham city pharmacy PETTY GRAFT suitor smiling but you should not demand a nickel because I 1 kissed your sister that kiss was a necessity small drother brother that may be pal but necessities aie getting higher every ver day so BO pony up Worm should be studied by every parent if bour child is nervous fretful starts in its sleep Is party faced lias has rings under its eyes always seems hungry Is not gaining weight you can bo be sure the trouble is worms whites cream is an absolute cure tor for eorms Is its own purgative sold by brigham city pharmacy A GOOD EXAMPLE that bantam hens lay very small eggs la Is a well known tact fact but little jimmy jones assured himself that they could do better it if they had only a mind to try to set an example ho be tied an empty ostrich egg to the b beam abao the nest of the bantams battams and directly above posted a card which briefly read please look at this and do your best the most common caise ca ise ot lor incont nia Is disorders of the stomach cham ber lains stomach and liver tablets correct these disorders and enable you to sleep for sale by wynn L eddy ho foley kidney pills neutralize and remove the poisons that cause backache rheumatism nervousness You ness and all kidney and bladder irregularities they build up and restore the natural action of these vital organs sold by wynn L eddy and frigham city pharmacy eve had bad just tied a garland of 0 maple leaves about her ankles what on earth are you up to my love asked adam im trying on my new hobble skirt sweetheart returned the partner ot of his joys with a sweet smile harpers weekly warning to railroad men look out for severe and even dangerous kidney and bladder trouble re rc suiting from years ot of railroading geo 0 dell bell third street fort wayne ind was many years a conductor on oa the nickel plate ile ho says twenty years of railroading left my kidneys in terrible condition there was a continual pain across my back and hips and my iny kidneys gave me much distress and the action ot of my bladder was frequent and most painful I 1 got a supply of foley kidney pills and the first bottle made a wonderful improvement pro and four bottles cured me completely since being cured I 1 have recommended foley kidney pills to many of my railroad friends sold by wynn L eddy and brigham city pharmacy CHICKENS A LA MODE freddie was visiting relatives in canada and his mother constantly besought him to be on his good behavior and to avoid saying baying anything that might give offense but one fiig day when his aunt asked him at luncheon it if he would have some curried chicken lie he could not help showing his surprise why tho the matter freddie inquired the aunt dont you like curried chickens well auntie I 1 cant really say was his reply you see down in tile the states we dont curry 0 our r chickens we pick em A cold lagrippe then pneumonia it too often tile tho fatal sequence rol fol eys ays honey and tar expels the cold checks the lagrippe and nta pneumonia it is is a prompt and blo ble cough coughi medicine mc dicino that contains narcotics it is as sate safe for lour children as yourself sold by wynn L eddy raid md Brig brigham city pharmacy chamberlains cough remedy cures colds crola ad caugh ner please just five cents I 1 begged johnnie but johnnie it was only this morning that I 1 gave you five cents 1 I know but putting his arms around her neck im so hard on money when you have rheumatism in your foot or instep apply chamberlain chamberlains 3 liniment and you will get quick relief it costs but a quarter why suffer for sale by wynn L eddy tD mamma iamma said eaid 5 year old fred who will probably become a trust magnate some day 1 I have eaten my cake all up and minnie touched hers yet wont you make her share with me so as to teach her to be kind and generous dont let the baby suffer from eczema sores or any itching of the skin doans ointment gives instant relief cures quickly perfectly safe tor for children all druggists sell it I 1 wr J morrell lumber co P air oc h oc ir op to stay nd can mma you the 14 t cash Z ED R C 00 r ON the h 3 Y FWD SALE they the goods PHONES NO 8 BRIGHAM CITY utah L |