Show THE BRIGHAM BUMBRY to say that it was a howling success mould not bo be overstating the facts for the howls of delight that i rent ent the historic play house down on the corner as tho the play proceeded spoke louder than words just how much those who attended the performance enjoyed it and those who took part deserved every laugh and every round of applause that was handed out for they had worked consistently and h hard ard for the success of the production dut but is would be more proper to begin at the beginning in writing up tho big laugh and in order to do that V we Q must start with the parade which swung into line shortly after twelve clock noon with joa zimmerman disguised and decorated so that lie he I 1 looked 00 I 1 cc d like a pretty go good od reproduction or oi john phillip sousa at the head bead doing in g stunts with a brass curtain pole all t tied d up with colored ribbon tor for a drum majors staff the band or part of it and then the members of tho the commercial club to the number of about fifty each one carrying something the column moved with dignified tread from tare court house to second south sout h and back before the march was begun however the burglary was perpetrated and the burglar caught and locked in jail the robbery occurred in the holt jewelry store while mr air holt was watching the formation of 0 the parade something attracted his attention inside and as he entered the door a man in shabby clothes darted from behind and ra raced ced across the street to the vacant lot back of 0 the utahna utah na hotel followed by mr holt who took a shot at the fleeing robber about every jump he made marshal evans eva ns saw the fellow dash across the street so he raced up the court house alley and darted finback of the old coal jihO seeds djU shot at the culprit which brought him to a s stop top the law breaker proved to bo be leroy roskelley Ros kolley and aid ha h was quickly ironed and thrown in jail the parade lineup line up was a galaxy of 0 vegetable peddlers gardeners gardners gard nera ners gunners fishermen etc etc each fellow carrying something with which to keep his hands busy thereby assisting him greatly to be dignified the selections which the band played included everything from therell de be A hot time to the most classical numbers of the old masters even to chapins Cho pins funeral march upon the return to the place of beg beginning giu ning a large circle was formed and the band gave an open air concert with joe doing cake walks hand springs buck and wing virginia reels and other fancy steps A march was then made to the county jail to get the burglar ile he was brought forth heavily manacled mana cled and surrounded by a strong armed guard was marched to the large pole in front of the first national bank where a consultation was had in relation to his disposition while the populace cried out lynch him lynch him that drastic punishment Ishi nent might have been meted out had it not been for joes little wife she came and got hold bold of his bis arra arm with the intention of carrying him off home triumphantly but joe didn dian t want to go persuasion was of no avail so some sterner argument was used and the drum major yielded that finished the parade down at the opera house a force of workmen dundur anler the direction of AN cris simonsen Sl were busy tho the better part of the day erecting boxes and preparing for the grand performance two handsome boxes of latest design and draped with the finest materials obtainable were constructed one on each side of the stage an asbestos curtain was installed for the occasion and madg made ready for the long talked of event the stage setting was done under the direction of J frank Do bowring wring a past master in that art and the picture presented was a most pleasing one ju in fact the continued on page six THE BRIGHAM MM BURGLARY continued from page 1 setting was rich and revealed tho the elegant home of a wealthy young man who was very road fond of 0 his nife as well as of other ladies there was a good atten attendance Ciance at the matinee but every seat was gone for the evening performance and the 9 R 0 sign was hung out which did not deter many from witnessing the big laugh the orchestra was trained to its best end and conductor zimmerman certainly can beat time even if there are rests and pauses the audience appreciated the innovation of 0 having a real conductor of tile the von ITol Holls levig vig standard and showed their appreciation in generous applause while wynn L eddy one ot 0 the official ha banders walked down the aisle bearing a beautiful bouquet of that fragrant plant which the pioneers found growing so luxuriantly in these parts and presented it to the concert master who accepted it with a gracious bow inhaled a few jolts or of its perfume then deposited it in his silk hat which decorated the piano but the play it started off with it a laugh and ended with a scream it was so funny in places when kise got to sauntering that even the performers laughed but seriously the show was well handled mr A lisle eddy as james athe manservant looked every inch the part and got a laugh about every time hg he opened his mouth mrs maggle maggie anderson as or peruna take your choice was a good companion to mr air eddy and the way they made the others lie ile was a caution john E baird had the long part and john was on the boards the greater part of the evening but his part was so ingeniously written and the character so faithfully portrayed that there was nothing to do but just laugh and laugh R kaiser was the big surprise and when he made his engrace in an ovation was accorded him it was kizes first attempt at high tragedy and lie he succeeded admirably ile he even made it a point to forget his lines so that I 1 D call one of the water boys could have a good laugh there was one place in particular where villere kize was a little leary ot of his lines and in as much as he had to do the talking over by a window he bribed john peirce to hold bold his part outside the window and he would read it it worked like a charm and kize was as serene as a summers morning as he walked over to the window in the knowledge that he would get one spasm of his part right at any rate As he fastened his eagle eye onto the open pages to get the lines a look of consternation overshadowed oer shadowed his countenance as he whispered hoarsely for swear word sake turn it ft around john had the part upside down D G reed as detective was most acceptable his was a serious part fuu full of business all the time and david was there with the goods nephi hansen a policeman did a splendid character sketch and had a good time hugging petunia one reason why roskelley lynched earlier in the day was because lie he had to appear in the performance as mr air diggle in love with jessica and also with the bounding sisters of the air leroy appeared a little nervous and did septable cep table dig diggle gle mrs B D F boothe spoke his lines but made a very acceptable cep table diggle mrs B F boothe as mrs Ponti tex wife of 0 the faithful who heard nothing but the noise made by the man mail next door looked stunning in a blue gown of latest style and succeeded in from her worthy spouse the real truth mrs leon the mother of them all the keen calculating woman who made the men prevaricate just to get them caught in their own meshes did the part admirably and her witticisms went straight home miss ronella anderson as jessica the little lady whom diggle loved looked sweet enough for anybody to love and caused diggle any amount of discomfort between acts W V call and C holst hoist ruthven forsgren and scott nelson rendered a musical number which was illustrated burlesquing several members of the commercial club the boxes were occupied by ernest worthy and frank earl duke and dutchess of sandwich islands and ira larsen and simeon carter count count dent and countess cecil and entrance to which was via step ladder furnished tor for the occasion down in the auditorium there were some stunts going on also C 0 christensen sold commercial club chocolates with ith a faithfulness and s seriousness er ious ness that ought to get him a like position in a larger theatre J D calf and will jensen dispensed circus lemonade with a stick in and ice water after once around they were at a loss to understand why more people did not drink lemonade al J holt sold opera glasses and did a land office fice business wynn L eddy and victor E madsen officially handed out the bouquets each one of the performers being remembered the bouquets varied from a smoked herring to a cabbage for the gentlemen and candy hoses boxes for the ladies even the count esses in the boxes got a box the ushers were wem dr A W ensign B D F r boothe W 0 knudson albert hansen F r W fishburn nels jenson with W L hoist W T davis davia and harvey L erdmann as door keepers the show was a big scream as stated and those who did not get tho the dekles wr kles taken out of 0 their features should present themselves immediately at the laundry where that process ca be accomplished with a big electric roller the commercial club cleared up a nice little sum as a result of the fos fes Ivi ties also I 1 |