Show MEAN AND UGLY if you suffer with indigestion constipation sti pation feel mean and cross no strength or appetite your system is unhealthy hollisters Hol listers rocky aloun tain tea or tablets males macs the system strong and robust abstracting REQUIRES A THORO KNOWLEDGE OF THE intricacies OF conveyancing WIDE experience JN IN READING TITLES AND PAIN TAKING ACCURACY IN TRAN SCRIBING THE RECORDS OTHERWISE AN ABSTRACT MAY BE WORSE THAN USELESS i t I 1 W 1 1 t r 7 PT ri 1 4 14 1 4 14 6 rl 14 I 1 14 1 1 3 ea 7 4 I 1 1 71 J L 7 T af T WE HAVE HE ONLY RECORDS IN nox BOX ELDER COUNTY AND OUR facilities FOR DOING PROMPT AND ACCURATE WORK ARE UNEQUALED WE HAVE THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CLIENTS LET US DO YOUR ABSTRACT ING AND conveyancing lee 01 H n 11 FIRST BANK 21 ann AND 22 BRIGHAM CITY dr bells pine tar for coughs and colds cold deafen deafness as cannot be cured by y local applications as they cannot reach each the diseased portion of 0 the ear there Is only one way to cure dear deafness and that Is by constitutional remedies dearness Ue arness Is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucious lining of the eustachian Eusta chlan tube when this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling ID sound or imperfect hearing bearing and ben it is entirely cosed closed deafness Is the result and unless the inflammation cau can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing wi will ill be destroyed forever nine cases out ot of ten are caused by catarrh is nothing but an inflamed contor tor any awo of 0 deafness caused by we will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured hy by halls catarrh cure send for circulars tree free F J cheney co toledo 0 sold sod by druggists cc take halls family pills for constipation ATTENTION 25 acres of first class grazing land to lease n 1 I the raft river mountains dox box elder county utah apply at once to PACIFIC LAND WATER CO newhouse building ma 30 SALT LAKE city had dyspepsia or indigestion for or years no appetite and what I 1 did eat distressed me terribly burdock blood bitters cured me J H walk er sunbury ohio STILL unanswered we are advised to live and learn but why alas oh why do people seldom learn to live till just before they die never can tell when allen mash a 1 inger finger or suffer a cut bruise burn or scald be prepared dr thomas electric oil instantly relieves the pain cures the wound conference RATES via the oregon short line railroad for april mormon conference tickets on sale from all points north of ogden up to spencer idaho april 3rd ard to ath inclusive limited to april see agents for rates and further particulars aa city bell E express delivers freight and E express X to all parts of the city C ARGES reasonable john funk 11 X adril V A 0 ll 11 is one of tile tho most pleasant pastimes p and means ot of recreation 13 it the amount of 01 pleasure derived fi aiom om a buggy ilde depends entirely iron the quality of tho the outfit my horses are senile spirita J aal cauti ful carriages nobby comfortable conJor table and strong priced reasonable and within the roach reach of all when you want w nt a good rig either call at the stable or phone wa ha INV THE LIVERYMAN THE DOCTORS much Sic sickness krips dvo dio to dowel disorders A doctors first drat question when con suited by a patient Is ale sour our bow els ls regular irr lie ile knows that US per cent of Il illness Irless is attended with bivil tive bowels anil and torpid lher and wit tint tills this condition must be removed rei noved gently ee iolj ind and thoroughly suly before health cull can be restored rexall orderlies tire are a positive 1 alcis I 1 cas nut and safe remedy for constipation and bowel disorders disorders in gauci pencil M we f uro tire so carltun of their great cin value that we promise to the purchasers money moncy in every case when they fall fail to produce entire satisfaction 1 1 rexill orderlies lies are eiten like biln c iri dy they net act anielly lly and have n soothing strengthening heiling influence on the entire intestinal tract they flo do not purge caffe nausea flatulence once excessive looe looseness noss dial or oilier annoying arino yin effect they are especially good for children weak persona or old od folks two sizes sixes tind and sold only at our store kiwo WYNN L EDDY A tough old fisherman of 0 grimley presented himself at an insurance office one day and wanted to insure his life asked his age he replied ninety four what exclaimed the clerk nine tour four why we cant insure you why not said the old man why because of your age said the clerk get on said the old salt look at the statistics and you will find that fewer men dlo die at ninety four than younger gives prompt relief willain 11 II douglas jr of washington D C says I 1 take great pleasure in informing you I 1 have used dr I 1 dells bells pine tar honey and it gave me die almost instant relief MARRIAGE PERMITS john hall and sariah P rose blackfoot idaho niels petersen and ingeborg olsen elwood constipation causes headache nausea dizziness languor heart palpitation drastic physics gripe sicken weaken the bowels and dont cure doans Regu lets act gently and cure constipation ask your druggist SHOWER it rained cats and dogs on the wedding party whereat jupiter pluvius chuckled its the best I 1 could do tor for the bride ashes already been given silver tin wooden book linen and chins china all showers ow ers 1 l puck john W greensboro pa has baz z three children and like most children they frequently take cold wo we have bave tried several kinds of cough medicine he says but have never found any yet that did them ad much good as chamberlains cough remedy for sale by wynn L eddy A WILLING WITNESS did his actions have an air of verisimilitude the lawyer asked the witness what was that sir 1 I say did his actions wear an air of verisimilitude oh replied the witness sure lie he was all round the place saturday evening post dr bells Anti Pain A sudden attack ot of cholera is dangerous keep dr dells bells anti pain at hand a dose receives rele ives almost instantly st it also cures diarrhoea cramps flux and all vel complaints CHILDRENS CHATTER little jacks grandmother told him that lie he must ask god to make the weather warmer so BO her rheumatism would be better so at the close of 0 his prayer that night he was heard to say and oh yes dear lord make it hot for grandma the colds that hang on are readily cured by y dr bells pino pine tar aloney it relieves the cold and stops the cough there is only one genuine mrs airs cartham eat some of these pancakes henry they might cure your headache Dart cartham liam Tham thanks ks but im afraid merely send tire the ache farther down it if you have trouble in getting gettin 9 rid of 0 your cold you may know that you are not treating it properly the there Is no reason why a cold should hang bang on tor for weeks and it will not it if you take chamberlains cough remedy for sale by wynn L eddy chamberlains lough remedy cures colds croup and ad whooping coush cough race suicide Is not nearly the menace to increase in population that deaths infants are eight out of ten tei ot of these deaths are directly indirectly caused by amwel troubles Alc Gees baby elixir cures diarrhoea dysentery sour stomach and all infant ailments of this nature just the thing for teething babies price and per bottle sold by brigham city pharmacy ONE ON BEECHER henry ward beecher delighted delighted in telling what he experienced when he went into a bowery restaurant on one occasion and heard the waiter give such orders to the cook as ham and slops and sinkers and so forth watch me confound that waltar waiter with an order which I 1 believe lie he wont abbreviate remarked beecher at length As the waiter approached them he said give us poached eggs on toast for two with the yolks broken the waiter who was equal to the emergency glided to the kitchen door and yelled adam and eve on a raft wreck em cm doleys Fo leys honey and tar is the best cough remedy I 1 ever used as it quickly stopped a severe cough that had long troubled me says J W kuhn princeton bebr just so quickly and surely it acts in all cases of coughs colds lagrippe and lung trouble refuse substitutes sold by wynn L eddy and brigham city pharmacy A man from indiana according to the saturday evening post moved out and homesteaded homestead ed a quarter section in the west friend briend said a man wh who had a ra ranch hard by you you come from from indiana how was it you left that well set tied and fertile state to come way out hero here 0 on n these prairies why said the newcomer they got to slandering derin me back there there some thin frightful sayin all sorts of mean things about me and I 1 aist concluded to move dut but why you make them prove the slanders they did granulated eye lids do not need to be cauterized or fled fied by a physician Sut herlands eagle eye salve is guaranteed to cure them without pain it is harmless and a sure curo cure for granulated lids HAS tubes at a dealers le alers POWARD B KIRKI aarm LOANS OGDEN UTAH 2786 grant avenue sell belt phon 66 0 LEGAL COLUMN ll NOTICE united blates land office salt lake city utah february 11 1911 to 0 whom it may hay concern notice is hereby given tint that tile state U utah as filed in this office lists of lands selected by y lite abc said stat slat under section 6 of the act of f congress july 16 1804 as la 10 school lands viz lots 1234 1 2 3 4 see sec 25 lots lota 1 2 3 see sec 18 23 lots 1 2 3 see sec 23 29 T 15 N it 5 W S L M serial copies ol of said lists so far ar is as they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions have been bear conspicuously potted posted in this office for in by tiny any person interested and by the public generally during the period of publication of this notice or any time lime thereafter and before tile final approval and certification under departs L atal 0 of ap al AI 1 1 25 1907 loo protests protest or as contes corresta cor testa s grains the cla ni of 0 the state to 1 ot or tn ine trani at 01 subdivisions hereinbefore d on oil the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for off all i cultural purposes purpose mill in be rece received ivea and kotc il lor r re report jo r t to the general land affire at wash i antor in to tor r 1 1 C failure so to 10 protest or contest within the tune time specified will be considered sufficient evidence of the character of f the tracts and the selections acing acin other otherwise free front from objection will be approved to the state E D R THOMPSON ma 9 30 0 register NOTICE charles bays you are hereby noti not fled fied to pay me three hundred dollars as your share of 0 assessment charges tor for mineral monarch group of mining claims situated one and one halt half miles south westerly from groome box elder county utah failure to pay said money within ninety days from fills first notice will forfeit any ol of your interest in said mineral monarch mining alining group fa cayll JAMES LYONS NOTICE FOR POSTING salt lake city utah land office march 16 1911 notice Is hereby given that lyman R palmer of the city of ogden county of weber state of utah has filed in this office his application as assignee of 0 anna M moore widow of john D moore deceased and william F scott to enter lot three section 8 township 8 north range 7 west i containing 1015 acres under the provisions of the act of congress approved june 1874 or sections 2306 and 2307 R S serial no any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described or desiring to t object because of the mineral character of the land or tor for any other reason to the disposal to applicant should file their affidavits of protest in this office on or before the day ot of april 1911 E D R THOMPSON abo register probate and guardianship notices consult county clerk or the respective 1 signers for further information NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of sarah J deecher beecher deceased creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned undersigner under signed at his office in the deseret news building room salt lake city utah on or 1 before the day of july A D 1911 JOSEPH JONES administrator of the estate of sarah J D becher eche r deceased date of first farst publication march 2 A D 1911 J D C call all atty tor for admin adain m 2 30 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of Idonia B D ballard deceased creditors w will i ll 11 present claims with vouchers to t the h e undersigned undersigner under signed at his office at the court house brigham city utah on or before the day of july A D 1911 0 H ward elias tames administrators of estate of identa E ballard deceased william J lowe attorney for administrators date of first publication march 9 A D 1911 ma nv ai NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of margaret A ralphs deceased creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned undersigner under signed at brigham ham city in the county or of be box elder state of utah on or before the day of july A D 1911 ralph jenson r ot of the estate of margaret margar et A Ra ralphs Irlis deceased jenson davis attorneys for administrator date of first publication march 30 A D 1911 mao keep the hoe hoc going in dry weather and you will not need the watering pot often r at ML for backache rh riat irm or 1 bladder ducr trouble and urinary irregularities 1 J at i foci 3 la U nu puri a alood resi cra sost vitality and visor refuse substitutes wyn L eddy HAIR HEALTH if you have scalp nr hair trouble take advantage of this offer offar wo we could not aff ac rd nd to so strongly endorse rexal 03 hair tonic anil and continue to sell it its as we do if it did not cot do ill all we we claim it will should our enthusiasm carry us away and rexall IM CJ C J hair tonic not give entire satisfaction to the users they would loso lose falth faith in us and our statements and in consequence our business pro pres tige would suffer we ve assure you that if your hair ii bg beginning inning to unnaturally fall out or it if you have any scalp trouble rexall 03 hair tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff stimulate hair growth rind prevent IreT premature bald baldness nes our faith in rexall 93 mir hair tonic is so sting that we ask you yo you u to try it on our positive guaran tee that your motley money will ve be chee cheerfully erful refunded if it does not do as wo we claim two sizes and sold only at our store the rexall store WYNN L EDDY |