Show SNOW na E N 1 I 9 H I 1 A L the all a the tabernacle I 1 last alst sunday rivaled the attendance at t the lie sunday meeting of the regular quarterly conference and while the services were a little lengthy they nv were ere most beautifully impressive which made the unveiling of the life sized painting of president lorenzo snow a distinct epoch inobe history of this community the occasion on was characterized by a closer knitting of the bonds of brotherly love and fellow ship which bind together the people of this community find and the memory of 0 president snow was blessed and sanctified more intensely to those who had been closely associated with him in life it was truly a magnificent sight and an experience that could not be passed through without emotion as the vast congregation arose to its feet and gaii saw the drapery slowly drawn aside revealing the handsome lea features and form of the man who built the foundation of this community and who was ebar characterized acte prized by the patriarch of the church joseph smith to be the greatest man on earth conductor lee had the choir ready and Is as his baton came to attention the singers responded in a spirited rendition of the anthem thou who art faithful as the congregation stood it was indeed impressive and will not soon be forgotten by those wh who witnessed it the rhe meeting was presided over by pres oleen N and the exercises were carried out as follows singing 0 my father invocation by dishop bishop brigham wright singing reverently and meekly now after which the sacrament was administered by the bishopric of the firs ward kard during the passing ot of which sister armeda snow young read a poem written by ellza eliza brothers and ferB soye chith gia avan account 0 f correspondence between the two when hen pres snow was incarcerated in the state tor for conscience sake the choir sang the hymn glorious things are sung of zion pres L A snow was the first speaker and his subject was lorenzo snow as a missionary pres snow related tho the early history of his father and his conversion to mormonism told ot ol his association with the prophet joseph smith and related a visit he made to the kirtland temple before ii lr had become a member 0 of f the church when the patriarch joseph smith son sen made the wonderful prediction mentioned at the beginning of this article art gave brief accounts of his missions t to 0 ohio in 1837 and 0 0 england in 1840 just before leaving for which he uttered the immortal words nords As man now Is god once was as god now is man may become As an apostle was the subject assigned emella emelia D madsen who related some of the incidents of the life of president snow during tho the years 1849 when he was ordained an apostle and 1898 when he was made president of the church gave an account of his trip to italy in 1849 where he opened that mission also related the incident of his bis drowning off the coast of hawaii a few years later while attempting to land in a small boat his body resting tor for some time on the bottom ot of the ocean and after its recovery how his companions worked without avail until they placed their mouth to his bis mouth and breathed into him tho the breath ot of life thus resuscitating him also referred to his incarceration in the state prison and related the incident of the thanksgiving dinner to all the prisoners given by the ladies 0 of the cox box elder stake in honor of president snow at this point in the program the unveiling oc occur cured cd at a signal from conductor S N lee all in the building arose and the cords fastened to the drapery which was decorated with carnations were slowly pulled by little misses aliases gay miller maude glover masters freddie sorensen Sorens cn and alvirus arrasmith great grandchildren of president snow and the covering was removed revealing the beautiful painting while the audience stood the choir bing bang the anthem thou who art faithful president snow as a colonizer was wag the subject of the th address by patriarch W 1 L watkins walking who reviewed his labors in great Dr brittin ittin where they firt first met and from where president snow led a large company of immigrants at the close of his mission bringing them safely to council bluffs and then across the plains also rehearsed tho the colonizing of 0 box elder continued on pago page fc t T PRESIDENT SNOW MEMORIAL continued from first page county under the leadership of dent snow J D peters spoke on the labors labor of president snow as a legislator giving some historical facts concer concerning III his s work in the legislature the Uni united tedOr order and also in getting a charter for brigham city he was also closely identified with the putting in of the water works system and electric light plant elder peters also related the circumstance of tho the diser of the people and the taking of the test oath here in brigham drig agliam city while the whole world looked on oil in astonishment As president of the church was the topic assigned to elder adolph mad sen and he spoke in affectionate terms of the labors which president snow performed in that calling also related some personal experiences in connection with president snow aig 11 e closed by reading a number of sayings which president snow flad fiad uttered and which preached preaCh eq wonderful t ser ermons i J arist artist L A ramsey was wag introduced and told of his bis work in painting the picture and what a joy it had been to him stated that it if he be were to choose a subject in which all the artistic attainments tain ments were beautifully blended he be would select lorenzo snow as the most typical and he felt honored in being given the commission to paint the portrait president stohl cosed closed with a few words relative to the inception of 0 the plan to have the painting made and how bow the funds were raised tor for that purpose ile he stated that the picture had cost only for the painting and the framing shipping and placing it on th ehg e wall in the tabernacle would cost about A painting similar in size of 0 president snow which i is s located in the salt lake temple cost 1000 and those who are familiar both paintings like this one the be better ater the closing song was the anthem jerusalem my aly glorious home and patriarch 0 N stohl offered the bene diction all the must musical c al nu numbers abe rs wen v ere favorites of president snow and spec lally requested |