Show BASKET BALL CHAMPIONS W W christensen Cliris of elwood called at the news office last saturday and stated that the siaw cup offered by the dank bank of garland at the beginning of the season for the champion boys and girls basket ball team had been won by elwood on march 3 at which time the teams from that place defeated tho the deaver beaver dam teams some little dissatisfaction has been expressed as to the manner in which the series was handled tor for the reason that the fielding boys team won over all others in the north halt half and brigham boys won over all in the south half and took two straight games from fielding so that they are virtually the champions of box eldr eldir county according to the rules however each school should have a boys and girls team and the two should win together elwood did this and the cup was given e to them the cup is on nn exhibition in the board ot of education rooms |