Show SKATING ON THE SIDEWALKS many complaints have been made reatho rea tive to children using the paved sidewalks ot of the city for a skating rink and some mighty strong object I 1 lions have been made to the practice I 1 the city fathers have been appealed I 1 to to pass an ordinance prohibiting skating on the sidewalks but they do I 1 not feel disposed to be exacting unless j the matter becomes a nuisance one councilman stated to the news yes that ho he had no objections to the children enjoying themselves but felt that they should be considerate of other people and never bump into any one especially old people as has been done in many cases lie he further stated that unless the young people exercise more care and trample less on the rights of others an ordinance will be drawn up prohibiting the practice altogether young people should heed this warning and retrain refrain from running into people and keep off the busiest walks in the center of town where traffic Is the greatest they are now enjoying a privilege through the graciousness of the public but a thing can bo be overdone and it Is not noe a good policy to stretch patience to the breaking point |