Show POST OFFICE AT SNOWVILLE ROBBED the usual serenity which hovers over the capital of western box elder I 1 was rudely disturbed last saturday night by the robbery of oc the post office and wounding of the assistant postmaster in the tight fight that ensued mr ilehr taher assistant to his mother who Is postmistress had been attending a lance dance and when hen lie he came home he discovered a burglar busily engaged in in ransacking the post office mr whitaker cr pounced upon the fellow and endeavored to overpower him almost succeeding in the attempt when a confederate who had been doing picket duty on the outside came to tho the rescue of his companion and the two of them proceeded to place pace whitaker Whit alier hors do de combat A knife was used and sir mr whitaker got an ugly I 1 wound in the left side hg he was securely bound and gagged and the contents of 0 the cash drawer were emptied amounting to and the tel fell lows made their escape sheriff olsen olen was notified of the I 1 robbery and went out to make maho an investigation vesti gation there are ia number of mexicans roaming I 1 about the we western sterli part of the county and suspicion points to them as being the perpetrators of the bur burglary A diligent search is is being made and a reward of 0 50 has been offered for the of the parties who committed the robbery |