Show A WOMANS BACK the aches and pains will disappear if the advice of this brigham citizen Is followed A womans comans back has many aches and pains most times the kidneys fault backache Is really kidney ache why bans doans kidney pills cure it I 1 many brigham women know this read what one has to say about it mrs axel christensen Chrls fourth west street south brigham utah says six months ago I 1 had a severe attack ot of kidney complaint my bach ached intensely and my whole body was racked with pain I 1 hp came weak and run down and was hardly able to get about I 1 always felt tired but was unable to sleep well when I 1 had the good fortune to learn of doans kidney pills I 1 began their use and they relieved me after all other remedies had bad tailed failed I 1 consider doans kidney pills tile the best kidney remedy on the market for sale by all dealers price 50 cents roster foster milburn co buffalo new york sole agents for the united states remember the name doans and take no other |