Show I 1 the dollar razor I 1 I 1 y is an ail established fact at our store we vf want to io call your attention to the SHU MATE RAZORS which we sell for one r dollar and absolutely guaran guarantee tee thatis to say if you buy one of these dollar razors and nd do not find it satisfactory next week next month or next year year all you have to j do is return it to our store and we will give you the dollar back and ask no questions i we have other razors that cost us more M money on ey we think we paid too much for them therefore you can buy your choice of our re regular 0 ular stock of and ra razors zo s for only each while they last you know what these razors are our ff guarantee is behind every one of them call and get one while tho the stock is i coin T at the eddy drug store WYNN VYNN L EDDY prescription druggist agg gg 5 y y REMEMBER R ein E al BE I 1 Z 1 theres ALWAYS something doing at IM HANSON SONS BRIGHAM MOST progressive DF STORE clearance sales are still on MENS SHOES LADIES SKIRTS and d a variety of other artl arti cles being sold at SEAL REAL sacrifices which in every instance Is positively MONEY EARNED for the purchaser haser r new and up to date dry goods and notions arriving each week beautiful silk waists silk waist patterns allover laces fancy collars side and back combs some of our latest arrivals I 1 1 highest price paid tor for veal hogs and poultry ada A da av l WE io SO BUSINESS I 1 ma hanson sons Brig haza utah PHONE 52 4 till j RAIN COAT ST our Crave netted rain coats look like overcoats and in fact they are overcoats Over coas but they are rain coats too soft light and dressy looking but the cloth is also waterproof water proof dont know 0 how the makers of the cloth do it its a secret process and they wont tell A raincoat is the tho rho most moat useful garment Gary nent A mon men can have it affords protection to your houi clothes and is always a friend 1 8 10 1 12 CS 20 no rubber no odor will keep you WARM in cold weather and DRY t in wet useful comfortable dressy stylish ety lish indispensable carried at all times and looks well for all occasions Rosen baums baws cash store the popular one price clothiers Clo thiers brigham Brig bam utah it if you dunt dont buy shoes 0 of N no chansen los hansen you dont buy shoes right we guarantee every pair read all the good joints of ad aud then go to elii s jebsen there you can call find th m a ail 11 lif especially low prices and fair treatment as N L hansens shoes are better go to IV B jensen C co 1 0 for up to date wall paper tf the first national bank has the money to grant all acco ramo jda lations tiona Consi consistent stant with good banking tf I 1 stoves stores dealers beaters ran ranges ranes es go a at t greatly reduced prices lome come early and got what you y ou want at a bargain olson furniture co 60 OUR ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE LASTS BUT A FEW DAYS LONGER positively THE GREATEST BARGAIN GIVING EVENT IN THE HISTORY OF merchandising IN BOX ELDER COUNTY REMEMBER THE MORE YOU BUY THE MORE YOU SAVE 1 ONE FOURTH OFF ALL SUITS AND over coats A LARGE ASSORT assortment X ENT OF I 1 I 1 how about that over coat mighty ONE THIRD OFF LADIES MISSES LADIES rues FURS AT ai ONE THIRD OFF cold weather to be running around AND CHILDRENS COATS without one dont you think I 1 by mistake the manufacturer sent then its hardly necessary now us a double order of new models in that you can get one oneff of the kind we ladies coats two or three weeks ago sell at such prices as these we wrote them that the half of ONE HALF PRICE them were held subject to their order I 1 all 20 suits and overcoats 1500 they wired back for us to dispose UNDERWEAR quite all 18 suits and overcoats 1350 of them at some price so you an assortment accumulations of odds all 15 suits and overcoats 1125 take your choice of the entire lot at ONE THIRD all 14 suits and overcoats 1050 OFF this means and ends left from our heavy fall and all 12 suits and overcoats all 15 coats go at 1000 winter selling all thrown on a table fable all 10 suits and overcoats 1 all all 12 9 coats coats go go at at 00 at just half price and the same reductions prevail in all coats go at all cheaper grades better choose and so on down the entire ling line quickly the best will soon be picked cb J up at these prices 1 these are just a few of the reductions many we are making more bargains will be vantage to call early and often thrown on the tables each day so it will be to your y ou r ad you can do always best at cwb URN S stores at brigham ham 9 and tremont emont ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOWEST 50 shirt sale at N L Hanset Cs 2 heaters selling at cost at the furniture company 1 V this week I 1 i R I 1 we will give a acme flour I 1 i ta ta t sifter for I 1 I 1 ae V r 10 cents c e 14 tso I 1 K W B C jens fw ensen e n r n co 00 g it arv chis S week W T V ee k s sale butter butte this ta Is a good round mould with r tM coul boulds ds a handsome print on the top ev er regular agular eg ular price cry one first quality sale price loc soup ladles this Is i a white enamel soup la die made in germany best quality regular price loc and has never sold for less than 15 sale price lae cents C JUL v wr P i E N S E N KNUDSON J |