Show NOT HOT EASY TO BE A BACHELOR it Is hard to be a bachelor in america says a london writer the president abuses you in a few cw well c cho ho sea words the women of the country y hold a congress and debate upon you even the senate joins in the tray senator senator beveridge through tigh the medium of a philadelphia paper has been telling the bachelor what h he e thinks ot of him president roosevelt chastised the unhappy man with whips but the senator takes to scorpions you are nobody says he genially it if you are merely an individual f al both nature and society have use for you only as one ofa pain pair it your arm Is not strong enough to protect a wife and your shoulders not broad enough to cerry children in a sort of grand gladness you ahre are really not worth while this doubtless Is 13 so and yet the fathers whom one meets occasionally in the streets carrying aloft their children do not seem to be feeling any very grand gladness that thai probably Is their mistake when presidents and senators puff matrimony like this we realize how much valuable exhortation we lose by making a bachelor our premier |