Show BOX ELDER NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1 owr 1906 PACK 2 extraordinary bargains when we advertised we would make 1906 a record breaker in the way of offering bargains we meant it LOOK AT THIS back combs 5 cents rows 10 cents bacic Back combs 10 cents 20 silk baby hoods 50 cents loc hair combs 5 cents 12 silk baby hoods 25 cents hair comb 10 cents 50 wool fascinators Fascinato tors rs 45 cents 50 hair brushes 20 cents 13 12 walking skirts s 25 clothes bruseles Bru shea 20 cents 10 walking skirts 20 silk mufflers 50 cents 1000 doz loc pearl buttons 5 cents 12 silk mufflers 25 cents 1 lot ot of silk waists neck ties tie 10 cents I 1 lot of 0 ladles hand bags at H half alf neck ties 25 cents price we are offering hundreds ot of arteel articles es at less than half price we have plenty ot of thase those loc outings at 3 yards for 25 cents when you want real bargains and best service come to us come to us ce xa HOLST SON 0 one half block south of tabernacle 0 pictures pictures pictures r we havethe biggest assortment of colored pictures framed pictures postal cards and stereoscopic Stero views ever seen in I 1 brigham and our PRICES ARE RIGHT we have framed pictures 6 x 6 8 for that can t be beat and anything you want in the picture line compton Goin s art gallery M I 1 A W compton prop 04 4 i 4 0 4 H ta 44 H H 4 the first ma national dional bank OF BRIGHAM CITY f does docs strictly a banking business liberal liberality iy ay our motto A alty Co curtesy curacy k stability I 1 growth of deposits in four years december 10 1902 8 december 10 1903 december 10 1904 t december 10 1905 WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS 4 4 am H t 4 44 4 4 i 44 M H H 4 4 t I 1 t ALL KINDS OF I 1 JOB PRINTING MW aw neatly and promptly executed at I 1 we box elder N news aws 4 i i H 44 t jonm 4 I 1 0 P M MONUMENTS order NOW TO INSURE DELIVERY FOR F I 1 ll 11 decoration decoration oration ec day X 1 we albo manur manufacture IRON FENCES of all k I 1 d i A cwm sc CO tc JOHN H BOTT sons EDWARD D B UK KIRK i i UTAH i REAL ESTATE i 00 ce 2465 washington aw am office k i oi o bell i phones house Z EDWARD B KIRK miller 11 viele FARM loana SALT LAKE city utan ble Cornick telephone bell it if you want to figure ona farm loan let us know and we will call and discuss it with you LIBERAL TERMS if you dont buy shoes of N L HANSEN Y you ou dont buy shoes right we guarantee every pair fair professional CARDS F BED PRED J HOLTON i DISTRICT ATTORNEY ATTORNEY AND counsellor AT LAW room 23 first nat bank building brigham city utah I 1 ARTHEY DUMBECK PA V I 1 SS state st salt lake city utah C li M mi SQUIRES ARCHITECT 48 first nati bank building OGDEN UTAH bell phone Y HART ART LAWYERS suite 5 and 6 commer commercial olal block LOGAN UTAH telephone no 70 lock box GEORGE R CHASE ATTORNEY AT raw LAW city utah CHAS E FOXLEY ATTORNEY EY AT LAW county Att attorney office at court house brigham city etab JAMES S PERRY FERRY AT LAW office court house brigham city CHy utah ANDREW FUNK architect OFFICE OVER ak N C conf brigham city utah J D CALL ATTORNEY office at room 24 nata bank brigham city rita NELS JESSON JENSON ATTORNEY AT LAW practices in oil all the tha state stata murts and nd V U S supreme court rooms 20 21 first nat Nati bank building city stav B H JONES ATTORNEY AND counsellor OR AT LAW practices instate la saito ana federal courts kourts and before united states land officio domce over Rosen bauma baums toro store brigham abala elty city ut ats L BERG JR BARBERO BARBER SHA S HA V ING iso i HAIR CUTTING CUTTIN gas in the stomach 1 belching and that sense of fullness so often experienced after eating la is caused by the formation of 0 gas gaa the stomach falls to perform its functions and the food ferments chamberlains stomach and liver tablets will ali correct the disorder they aid digestion and strengthen and invigorate the stomach and bowels foi foj sale by the eddy drug store lame back this ailment Is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying chamberlains pain balm two or three aree dinies times a day and rubbing the parts vigorously at each application if this does not afford relief bind on a a piece of flannel slightly dampened with pain balm and quick relief is almost sure to follow for sale by the eddy drug store itching tiles jf J who ii is tr troubled ab lid thas Is distress lug hig ailment you can do him no greater favor than to tell him to try cham ber lains salve it gives instant relief price 20 25 per box sold by the eddy drug store |