Show market reports report 41 special to the news the general cattle market advanced 10 to 15 cents monday and tuesday and this gain has been held since by cow stuff and stockers and feeders rs buyers bayci s of 0 killing steers however ev er have shown more indifference each day this week claiming a congestion of meets at eastern castera centers and the price of 0 fat steers steer is 10 low ez eo I 1 than a week ago two trains of oregon cattle arrived here day and sold a shade lower than they would had they been here hem tuesday but fairly well as it 11 was high bred hereford feeders in this shipment weighing brought 1440 and the balance of the steers ranged from to A lare large e number of meal ma a texas steers chave been here this week selling at to weighing and cows at to baals to the sheep market made a good advance monday emd al tuesday but has been weak each day since account of bad condition of eastern trade supply this wool week isminy as only a little over half that of last week and has been easily disposed prices fully in line gitil other points not as many good to choice as ar heretofore and 11 buyers are also discriminating against the short stuff as and wool are an important computing the worth of live muttons buttons mut tons however there is no ause cause for alarm in the opinion 0 of tra traders ilem who believe belleve that th the channel will soun scon bepin again X A fairno fair to good cS assof lambs bring to yearlings yearnings year lings to to ewes ew to 50 some kids sold at aop this week and fat goats at 4 00 and J A rickart L S correspondent |