Show WATER SUPPLY engineer wheelon makes official report of investigation BIG SNOWFALL everywhere on uhe water shad which applies Sp plies the bear river and its tributaries Tributa ries it will be cheering news to the farmers who depend on the waters of the dear bear river for irrigation to read that chief engineer wheelon of the lutah utah sugar company has just concluded an exhaustive examination into the water shed of that great stream and its tributaries tributa ries and that he sets forth in the most emphatic manner that the farmers may rest assured of an ample supply of water next year mr Whee lons official report made to the sugar company Is as follows jan 25 1906 in response to numerous inquiries for information regarding le ie water vater supply tor for irrigation during the coming season the writer has just completed a tour ot of the water shed of the bear river and its principal tributaries tributa ries in a personal abs observation er ot of the condition of the snow fall in the upper reaches of the bear river and antho in tho higher altitudes of 0 the head waters of thomas ill for alii el t 0 tes bf bt Dearr bear above e the h ot U 0 gan 1 n X these avers alve rs icile I 1 their source in the great sublet ganat ft ange 11 tile tad I 1 0 of o f wh os e tower above timber line they are admirably formed to afford a bountiful and steady supply lyof of water through the midsummer mid summer months the tact fact that these streams enter dear bear river at points well below all the daros dams and head works belonging to the tors in the vicinity of randolph and woodruff plats and all works above cockerille Coke ille rille renders nearly all of their waters available for use by the irrigation works located between bear lake and the mouth of bear river the last three or four years have been unfortunate in the deposit of snow in these hills bills and the light fall fail has been seriously felt by irrigation enterprises along th the river in gentile cache and bear river valley these conditions now seem to have changed and the prospect at the present time for plenty of water for next season Is all that could be desired the mall mail route from montpelier to star valley passes over these mountains through a low pass not far north of the headwaters of thomas fork this road has not been travelled by the public since the first of december lasts except by mail carriers until ian isah when 1 chanted 10 be ac bab of the first passengers that had been tattled carried bance the fc lockade alie snow Is very deep and has been followed by strong winds which have helped to pack it into the gulches we find that the earth was so BO dry I 1 when winter set in that tha t it could not freeze the consequence of which I 1 if that when the snows melt in tho the spring instead of running off the frozen ground and precipitating excessive c floods the grounds will receive an abundant supply of this moisture which will raise the water plane and replenish the springs upon which we must rely tor for late summer water in prospecting the smith fork wo we intended to go as far as the sawmill some 30 miles up the stream from cokeville Co keville with four good horses on a light alel sleight li we were able to get within about 10 miles milel of the mill when we learned from a man we met who was riding one horse and leading another that the teamsters at the mill had abandoned logging on ac count of the new blockade and had decided to break a road out of the hills and raach ich their homes this seems like a fairy tale when we consider that the last winter and also two years ago there was not enough snow to facilitate the logging at these mills taking it altogether ifould I 1 would say that it if I 1 were farming 1 buher under the hammond companas comp anys canals on the aalt sade af river dvir or under the west iffe canal system I 1 should not hesitate to prepare the ground and plant to any crop I 1 desired with every confidence that so far as nature has done her work there will be water for all ali deseret news |