Show i a t HOUSEHOLD MATTERS 1 att tf t f i bavarian creams dav bavarian abir creams are simple after one has learned lea arned tile the trick of malting making them the ingredients are two cups of cream half a package of gelatine and one cup of fruit pulp fresh or canned soak the gelatine gc latine in a little cold water dissolve over steam and add to the sweetened frait pulp in the meantime have the cream whipped to a stiff froth let the fruit mixture cool but not biffen and just as the gelatine gelat lne begins to set told fold the whipped cream lightly into it IL mould and chill peach pineapple strawberry and raspberry bavarian creams are particularly recommended where flavoring Is used rather than the fruit pulp only halt half the cream Is whipped and the soaked gelatine gelat lne and the flavoring added to the other hall half three halibut dishes BAKED HALIBUT tako take three or tour four pounds of 0 halibut and remove the dark skin by dipping a part co cover ver ed with it into boiling water and afterward scraping it L rub the fish over with a very little salt and pepper place it in a baking bailing pan and pour in milk until it Is about an inch deep in the pan balie bake for an hour or more rather slowly tasting basting frequently with the milk when done the bones may be carefully removed and v i 4 the fish served served wl with h e gg egg sauce I 1 cream sauce or plain drawn butter in a steamer COILED put three pou ads of the fish into aa a sauce pan and cover it with fresh water add one sliced onion one sliced carrot a tablespoonful le of salt and two of vinegar cover the kettle and cook about five minutes after the water begins to boll boil then remove the fish drain well and aad serve etith anchovy sauce or drawn butter STEAMED HALIBUT place two or three pounds of the fish on a plate in a steamer sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper pour over it a tablespoonful of rl 71 negar and steam until very tender then remove it care fully without breaking and serve with either a cream sauce or drawn but ter it may be served with egg sauce the platter being garnished with parsley j apples for the nursery peel and core them stew them whole until quite soft then put them one at a time on little mounds of cooked sweetened rice strew sugar over thera them and put a preserved cherry or a stoned and cooked french plum on the top of each what to do with Pta potatoes toes PED wash and pare the potatoes and cut them into thin slices put a layer into a buttered baking dish sprinkle with salt and pepper and dredge with nith a little flour repeat until the dish is nearly full then add hot milk to cover cake bake an hour or more according to the heat of the oven which must be moderate BAKED BALLS one pint of hot mashed potatoes seasoned with pepper salt chopped parsley and butter and moistened if necessary with a little hot milk or cream beat one egg light and add a part of aitto the potatoes shape into smooth round balls brush with the tha remainder of the egg and bake on oa a buttered tin until brown be careful not tu get them too moist PUFF prepare as above but make the mixture quite soft with milk beat two eggs separately and air into the potatoes adding the whiles last pile roughly in a shallow baking dish well buttered and baks bake until well puffed and brown f ter i 1 A LA CREME cut raw potatoes into dice and soak for ten mini itea in cold water then put them into an uncovered sau sauce ce pan filled with boiling salted water and cook until done drain lit in a colander make a cream sauce of abne one tablespoonful of butter tablespoonful tablespoon fu lasof floru a pinch of salt dash of cayetno and a cup of milk when the sauce is thick add th the potatoes potatoes aid and a tablespoonful spoon tul of chopped parsley parsey serve at once POTATO FRITTERS rub three mealy ni aly potatoes through a siev eadd 2 tablespoonfuls tablespoon of cream a well beaten ess egg a tablespoonful tablespoon tul of flour a pinch of salt and a teaspoonful of cinnamon pry fry in deep fat selve with sugar and powdered cinnamon mixed milton L lee deputy auditor of lincoln county nevada and MIS bils pearl sanders orthis place were wera mar ridd wednesday mrs lee had bad a po 1 with the sugar factory at garland the young couple ou p le will wil i make their homo home in pioche davis county bounty clipper |