Show orcha orchard rd land no ko 15 7 1 I acre orchard hard on 3rd ard east street etin in ath ward has good adobe houss and cellar large lumber lumbe r barn barn and carriage house bouse choice 3 year old peach trees can sell this tor for 1400 on long time installment plan liberal discount tor for cash no 1 4 acres excellent land and five room house and outbuildings buildings out lias has good water right in three mile creek 1200 no 21 acres good orchard five room house and large barn 91 acres I 1 good mea meadow dowIn jn big fields goes with this no 1 I acre young elberta mecah trees five room frame house bouse city water and electric lights good cellar arid nd barn 1500 no 41 acres with best water right eight 30 3 50 young full bearing trees 1 acre raspberries rasp berries has 4 room adobe house practically new electric lights and telephone cement cellar well of 0 good water with pump and brick lined laid in cement good granary hay barn stable carriage house ben house and chicken yard this Js Is a golden opportunity 2 so to rods on ast 1st at east good 6 16 room mom houe electric lights and city water it if you have real estate to sell clit it with us no charge unless place Is sold lee dunn PAP T ammonia YU AT ATTEND i i J 0 X 1 S LEY ys CLEARANCE C L E CE SALE S L E L commencing Corn saturday january ja a rv ath 0 great bargains in all departments c if SC V f U n vvs f j wae w ae kai J H 4 H 41 H H 41 H H 4 H 41 a H H H H H I 1 w C 0 d an me ed carnival C alfe o a al KH H H F 4 8 H H K M H H H H r H H 41 41 H H H H at the academy 0 04 4 sic H H K HH H w ir H I 1 PIP ri H H 41 rl H ath ul H xv ACV february W H H y fr H w H H H K H S H H H H H 10 00 A X A ha H M K H H AA H H i a H 4 A i will be awarded to the prettiest and best sustained characters this will be an opportunity for us all H H H 41 OHI r H to see the costumes of the different diffie rent nations nation sand and characters of noted people mingled together in the H H H H 44 H g H H dance to the strains of K HH u H 44 H H H H SQUIRE ESO NS ORCHESTRA CHESTRA PH H H H M H H H H Z 41 H H H patrons will be required to raise mask at door disinterested judges judge s will distribute prizes before unmasking H HH H H H 8 ve 9 H 41 I 1 M H H PERSONNEL OF ORCHESTRA HH fr H H H first and conductor I 1 squire beeson ja arrangements have been made with ti H H H first violin frank king ia lit y H H H first cornet I 1 earl clark salt lake and ogden costumers so 41 H 41 flute silas green 41 41 41 oscar vt 1 that costumes can be had at reasonable H n 41 trombone jerry berry thomas v s w s H H 4 4 H piano carl zimmerman ennan v H 41 41 H bass viol gustave kuntz s V 1 prices C c t t 41 H tap drums bells belli etc arthur clapp r I 1 H H y oh 41 a t 1 12 h 41 H H 41 H hf 41 OH 41 4 41 41 H icv 50 EINTS CENTS A EACH tt H H H H H r H 41 H 41 41 41 H H spectators and dancers both ladies and Gent gentlemen leme no H H HO H 41 H H 41 H H 41 K aa |