Show A habit to be encouraged the mother who has acquired the habit of keeping on hand band a bottle of chamberlains cough remedy saves herself a great amount of uneasy uneasiness and an anxiety lety Co cousis colds and croup to which children are susceptible cep tible are quickly cured by its use it counteracts any tendency of a cold to result tit in pneumonia and if given as soon as the first symptoms of croup appear it will prevent the attack this remedy con contains talus nothing injurious and mothers give it freely to the little ones with a feeling of perfect security sold by the eddy drun tore store 60 6 0 YEARS y A R C experience r 1 ape R E N TRADE arl MARKs D N 9 copyrights r p r ac it asid description may bertain ofir opinion broo whether an is probably pw anina HANDBOOK Patents c on 2 but ifrain roo bevency for s i aw ts patents won taken co ro alt latha if mc lk merican fl Ji A weekly TArs argott rest coia tiou ot of any ny calentino clen tino journal lourn Bl tarm 3 a fair r tour raon tbt 1 tt I sold bymal ka ca new ark 25 bt I 1 r c y K T y y t t t t T WANT COLUMN 4 4 t shirt sale at N X L hansens 2 go to W B jensen co for up to date wall paper tf t home to rent for particulars inquire of C olsen oisen brigham R F D N nol loa B r agh am city utah tt tr shirt sale at N L hansens 2 for sale location notices at the box alx lx elder news office WANTED clean soft rags at the box elder news office N L hansens shoes are better two rooms moms for rent enquire 2nd and door south of central school main st tf shirt sale at N L hansens 2 A piano for sale for only on easy terms John Anderson on ezrd 3rd south and main street for rent four room house J D call f the horse sale advertised by jacob jensen tor for tuesday jan soth has been postponed until saturday feb 3rd ard at p in it try a cake of the celebrated rainier mineral soap natures skin medicine no fats no alit alkalis alls but it does the work ten cents a cake at the brigham city pharmacy at for sale acres of good farm fargins ingland I 1 land within three miles of brigham L city terms easy A bar bargain gain apply to lee dunn dulin tf rinnen T burn opera hh house se cs manazer cur ta I 1 n p m thursday february fred raymond presents his farn famous ous comedy ate ivl M I 1 B 0 sol 0 t U 11 ja U P R n I 1 G I 1 R L 1 positively the greatest comedy success of the season introducing BESSIE CLIFTON AS DAISY GRUBB and ana G HARRIS ELDUCE AS ZEKE DOBSON the country boy all special scenery new and interesting te specialties careful atten tion to detail PRICES 25 35 50 and 75 CENTS box office opens at 10 a m day ot of performance ann A aint T 11 blackburn opera housell house manager curtain m saturday Satur dair aty feb 3rd ard lt LEWIS MORRISON in his splendid impersonation of IVI RN IN THE DRAMATIC masterpiece FAUST IT ST direction of JU T 1 t l t rS aa wa with great casti sumptuous splendor of scenery and costumes A treat tor for lovers of good acting prices 1 and box office open at 10 a rn day of performance T H BLACKBURN apara ho aranaga MANAGER iz T curtain 8 P p mk M k TF MONDAY condah FEB ath A 11 Z A JL 0 thesdie the asime the refreshing R refreshing efre shing the merry swedish boy from the hills of the old country A FAVORITE WITH THE GIRLS GIRIS A TREAT FOR FOB THE OLD FOLKS BELOVED BY THE CHILDREN I 1 4 A SOURCE OF PURE FUN new Lum bermans quartette new logjam log jam new luxurious appointments point ments READ HEAD compared to inane imitators yon yonson Is las bright as a twentieth century incandescent light over a lot of 04 tallow lallow dips 6 0 prices 25 35 50 and 75 cents 0 joff box office opens at 10 a m day dai of performance W T J BOBBINS ROBBINS 9 I 1 headquarters FOR cakes AND pies ini biml i j ari TL j WHITE RYE and roa baked GRAHAM DAY BREAD A fi fine neine line of johh iiii h grade coffee ti onery amr snut hor nr nm r alty C icy bell express delivers freight and express to all parts of the city orders filled promptly charges reasonable john funk kennedys Kenn edys laxative honey and tar ta r cores cares 11 all II coughs and expels colds from the ay sy bontly the tho trowels wels just a little kodol after meals will wl ll 11 relieve that tha t fullness belching gas on stomach and all other symptoms of indigestion kodol digests what you eat arid and enables the stomach and digestive organs to perform their functions naturally sold by brigham city pharmacy CALL ON the bear river valley loan and trust company FO FOR P FARM LOANS 1 I i otta in hom rrt r op I 1 r 0 orns const Cull ding ga S LOOK AHEAD and prepare for the future some slight tr trouble ulle with your eyes may develop into serious ailment if its oe elected but FITTED EYE eyeglasses GLASSES may entirely cure the trouble our specia specialty ltv Is testing eyes and fitting them with lenses suited to their special needs charges very moderate S F christensen EYE specialist with L 0 christense sons jensen ensen bros LIVERY and FEED STABLES cod miga AT ALI houks 10 meets all tra insisi block north first nal bank blak blaff W Hs H GLOVER proprietor OP OF livery lavary and poad feed stables UP TO DATE RIGS J AT ALL HOURS it hack meets all trains at depot 1 4 0 brigham city utah |