Show FINANCIAL STATEMENT brigham city latah utah jan 2 1906 the hon mayor and city council brinham city utah gentlemen 1 we submit herewith a financial statement of brigham city utah for the year ending december 1905 and ask that a committee be appointed to audit the same MARY JOHNSON treasurer LORENZO W ANDERSON recorder GENERAL FUND receipts cash on hand jan 1 1905 bonas bonds license water tax curbing tax I 1 estraya dog tax sidewalk gravel interest cemetery lots delinquent taxes water tax 2336 county 1550 justice pines fines lumber hearse hire returned from waterworks Water works unredeemed warrants total disbursements salaries mayor 5 councilmen recorder 00 treasurer attorney marshal v deputy 1 4 specials 2 00 0 J water master 1 city physician 2 2500 5 0 0 park tender dog tax collector do board ar d ot real health t h sexton 1 I iv coilet tiro fire dept 2500 water registrar 2400 streets I 1 street lighting irrigation police and prison election expense L litigation 70 fire department street sprinkling t hall and office bonds 1 parks if I 1 A library a r y 2000 cemetery taxes miscellaneous v j 01 jad printing and stationed stat stationery ione ry 99 loan to water rater works 5 C 5 47 4 redeemed warrants cash on hand dec 30 total SPECIAL FUND receipts cash on hand jan 1 i go 5 taxes loan from genn fund delinquent taxes interest pipe lumber water works collections crane co cc electric light and power collections to dec 1 05 8 94 78 perry elec lt P co wire etc johnsons services 4 lamps 30 20 cents unredeemed warrants Warra total disbursements returned to benl fund salary supt bupt and collector water works int on water aks bunds 14 4 water works extension and maintenance e supt bupt electric system 1423 00 2 station men ilea 00 elec lt and ana pr jr irit int on elec lt bonds electric lt extension and maintenance lease of geal elec co redeemed warrants 1712 cashon hand dec 30 65 total liabilities Electr fic light bonds water works general bonds lease G gail benl enl elec co 00 americans AmerI cais bridge co 11 M bell tel tei co cc warrant no total sulking sinking notts notes as follow tolio ws 1 f interest total we your committee appointed to audit the financial statement of brigham city for dec zi 31 1905 beato beg j to report that we have carefully audited the same and find it to be correct and recommend that the same be accepted and ordered published ANDREW FUNK N E |