Show NOTICE STATE OF UTAH county of box elder in im the deweyville Dewe precinct I 1 have in my possession the following described animals which if 11 not nel claimed and taken away will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at my residence im ia precinct on saturday the 3rd ard day of february 1906 at the hour of 2 p m description OF ANIMALS one black mare white face white hind bind feet about 8 yrs ars old one bay mare left hind feet feet white small spot in forehead branded V on left thigh 2 years old one red heifer blotched brand on left hip square crop oil off left ear two notches halt crop right ear brand on left ribs with a bar two years old said estraya were taken up by me I 1 in a said precinct on the lay day of jan 1906 D B MARBLE for precinct |