Show dr remedies dr peter Green greenhalgh haIgh of salt lake City specialist in all chronic diseases is in brigham city he is staying at no at corner of 2nd and west and ath south streets he has begun treatment of several cases that the local physicians physician s have tailed failed to relieve without operations he manufactures his own medicines ile he treats and cures without cutting cancer rupture tonsillitis litls litis and quinsy his remedies also cure rheumatism diphtheria and croup ial troubles canker catarrh and skin diseases as well as nervous disorders all these remedies aro are for sale at on corner of 2nd and west and ath south in brigham city at as low prices as in salt lake city gemial Te mial this Is to certify anat aba t I 1 wai was cured of cancer after I 1 had been operated upon twice and then given up to die through the blessings of the lord I 1 was directed to dr peter greenhalgh of salt lake city and through his remedies I 1 was cured and I 1 would advise everyone who suffers as I 1 did or with any etherd disease to use his remedies they will cure you they have cured me and hundreds of other sufferers his medicines are certainly a godsend to suffering humanity you can get treated and cured cheaper than you can have an operation alone performed if anyone doubts the truthfulness of this statement they can call on or write to me MRS AIRS EMMA HANSEN brigham city utah |