Show the attraction at the opera arera ho honsa home me on february ath wall be P J ken gedys scenic production yom son yonson abich which seems to have as strong a hold upon the pr public alic as way ay down dow a east this being its fifteenth season without the t decrease in its drawing powers the clity alay itself is the embodiment of all the cements de oble ments ol of success and its is a al marvel ol of modern stagecraft A feature of interest this year win will be the first ape ap carance arance here bere of fit earl X mit eliell ell in the title ditl e role ton is a stirring picture of a novel phase of cs american life and it has been one of the most successful dialect comedies ever produced upon the th an AE i erlan stage besides haying hating the merit bof ot originality mr chai la Is said to be an amusing using and faithful presentation you yon tonson Is the quiet inoffensive swede one meets every day with all of hir peculiar characteristics and his awkwardness of speech and movement |