Show agricultural COLLEGE NOES 1 S 1 i aside from rom the regular work the winter course students in agriculture are haying having the benefit ot of a series of lectures by Y the leading agriculture ests of the state mr A H snow of brigham city lectured last week on the profits ot of fruit growing he has given the subject of fruit I 1 growing more st study dy perhaps than any other man in the state having investigated from the buyers standpoint ns as well as from that ot of the fruit grower he has visited leading fruit sections in the east and in the west and has paid special attention to cultivation ti and to packing tor for market mr air snows statements as to the immense profits of fruit growing were substantiated by figures showing the net gain for the years 1904 and 1905 from his own twelve acre peach orchard at brigham the profit from the thel orchard being each year he advised the growing of the alberta peach as being the one in greatest demand on the market he also pointed out the most successful method of cultivating pruning and irrigating and emphasized the necessity of great skill and care in packing for market those present were enthusiastic over the results and some already are looking for fruit growing land mr john holmgren of bear river city one of the leading beet growers of bear river valley lectured to the agricultural students his talk set forth the results of his own experience as an enthusiastic beet grower no other line of work in his estimation makes a more rigid demand for care and i exactness both in planting and in cultivating than does the beet crop professors dark clark and jardine were royally rac received elved by the farmers of blears bear river alve r valley at elwood on january an institute was held at that place prof dark clark lecturing on the dairy cow and prof jardine din on sugar engar beets aad and rotation of crops the listeners were much interested Interest bd and extended invitations to the professors to visit other corn com muni ties in an the hallcy market report |