Show PACT 4 BOX ELDER newe THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1906 sienna EVE ry THURSDAY by the box elder news company or ove one your TOT in advance tl 1150 BO six months 85 three Mont hB 60 50 advertising rates furnished on application entered kt at the post ortice office at brigham Brig bam utah at a second class matter NORMAN LEE s instructions TO correspondents items of 0 news cewa are solicited roio all parts part of the county all 41 communications mush reach this mee oot not liter later than tuesday morning to insure publication too write upon one oils side of the paper only in order to protect the publisher publIsh Or from impositions frova rom irresponsible parsons per soni the tall full name of at the author should be signed to all comm eatlo cat ions nj the identity ot at correspondents will be wit ubold whenever desired |